I really don't think we can get out of having the 22ft pipe, we already have a lot of snow blown for it and it may be too late to start over again on a different slope, lets just wait and see how much snow they can make with this cold were getting, and as for the park on mainline, they need a good base, every time it rains it washes out, there's like springs in the ground, and it might even go through a thick base too, i don't know if its worth it, maybe just focus on spike and keep blowing snow on mainline for a while and get a lot of snow on it, and then start to put some features in if possible, plus they have there hands full on the boarder x course because its going to be like twice as long for the rev tour, and as for the park bench nick, personally i would like and i'm sure a lot of other people would a good variety of things to hit, I'm not saying we should over crowd the park, i'm just saying having options is nice, plus for now, this is the only park, so there should be things for everybody.