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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. Does anyone ski anymore??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrQmaYskVW0
  2. Where?
  3. From NOAA: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2010/20101021_winteroutlook.html
  4. Sticking with the Lange's huh?
  5. Good to see everyone again. Can't wait to get back on the snow with y'all.
  6. Nice.
  7. hellz yeah
  8. As it would turn out, Brick House is right next to the hotel I stayed in. The food there is damn good. Not really a brewery, but the beer selection there is pretty impressive. Magic Hat #9 and Sam Adams Stoketober Fest to drink with some bombin deviled eggs and BLT sammich set me up right. I'd like to go back there again.
  9. I think I passed Brick House on the way to the hotel. Thanks.
  10. Ok, so I've given this some thought and I think if this has the potential to be a really bad idea. It all depends on what they do about the vip line. If we have to get scanned through a gate after each run, then it's gonna suck really badly. I really wish Blue participated here...if not here, just be more damn active on both your face book pages. Or a focus group or something. I hate how they make decisions and we're all left in the dark about it. Anyway, here why I think this is going to suck. This concept of getting scanned in is likened to going through a toll booth on a major highway. Everyone gets all stupid and can't figure it out around the lanes. Bring on EZ Pass, and the greatest thing to ever happen to highway robbery....The high speed EZ Pass! Now we can collect peoples money and plate # at over 60mph! Anyway, RFID would have been the way to go. You could build one great big fucking arch over the both queue areas, with a million red led bulb strip across the top if it. If you have a RFID in your season pass or day ticket, a light goes off where security can watch. If it doesn't , security clubs you you with a ski pole. Simple really. Just has wished you asked first.
  11. I've been to Iron Hills in Wilmington and it was pretty good.
  12. Closer the better.
  13. I'm out in Horsham, PA Tuesday and Wednesday for training and I'm looking to catch dinner at any nearby breweries. Any one got a recommendation?
  14. Long drive home.
  15. That's what I'll be drinking.
  16. How fucking awesome is this. Just made my Monday. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7jwer8AYiw&feature=player_profilepage
  17. 6-10 day temperature prediction. The 8-10 day looks even better.
  18. I'm expecting more of this and this (good thing someone has their helmet on) and this Status on the VIP line is needed.
  19. http://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=PAZ054&warncounty=PAC025&firewxzone=PAZ054&local_place1=2+Miles+N+Danielsville+PA&product1=Frost+Advisory
  20. I'm in.
  21. you don't say
  22. Gotta spread the stoke around
  23. From Sunday River's Fb page. http://www.facebook.com/sundayriver#!/photo.php?fbid=435195452875&set=a.63435067875.74231.52540077875&pid=5344356&id=52540077875
  24. Old man winter told me on facebook that ma nature is about a predictable as a weatherman.
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