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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. Date(s) Skied: 2/16/2009 Resort or Ski Area: Windham Conditions: Mix of chalky powder and sugar on hardpack & fast. Temp in the mid 20's, sunny & warm. Trip Report: Presidents Day at Windham was great. Clear blue skies, minimal crowds and nice fast snow, very easy to lay an edge into and keep it there. We arrived a little after 9am and skied until 2pm with out stopping for lunch. By the end of the day, my knee was giving me a little discomfort, but nothing like what I was experiencing two weekends ago. I'm sure it's going to be ok and I plan on going back into the gym tomorrow after work. Lift lines were minimal, I was very surprised about that, however, the parking lot was very full when we left. Here's some pics from today:
  2. Mountain Creek has a paid preferred parking lot, so does Killington. If Blue started charging for parking for season pass holders, I'd probabily get next years pass somewhere else. Maybe Blue should offer Valet parking.
  3. V-day get away. We do this every year. Most importantly, my knee wasn't hurting at all...I am so relieved. Last weekend at Blue sucked. Carve left & Skid right, Carve left & Skid right, Carve left & Skid right, Carve left & Skid right was driving me crazy!
  4. basically...
  5. Date(s) Skied: 2/14/09 Resort or Ski Area: Windham Conditions: Very Sunny, temps in the high 20's. Groomed granular, with some chalky stuff on top. Overall, considering the recent thaw, very good. Lots of snowmaking all over today.[/b] Trip Report: Well lots of good stuff to report today. Windham is in great shape considering the recent thaw, and I was expecting the worst. Wow was I pleasantly surprised. We started out the day down Wanderer, and while there were some glaciers, they were well marked off or avoidable. Next we did Why Not, which had some small death cookies at the top, but the bottom was so sa-sweet. Skied that two more times before moving over to F lift. Wraparound, was also in great shape, so was Whiskey Jack. ROTD for me was Whistler, so smooth, so fast. My nephew is sick as a dog, but he hung in there like a trooper until around 2 so I only got in 12 runs for 15,500 vertial feet. It's funny to watch him straight line Why Not. Ahhh to be 13 again. Crowds were basically non-existent today. Perhaps a 10 minute wait on A Lift. No wait on F Lift and less than 5 minutes on G Lift. Today was a major achievement for me today. After the orthopedic doc told me I needed to lose weight and strengthen up my leg muscles, I immediately went on a diet and started working out 3-4 days a week mixing up cardio, weight training and swimming. I lost 4.2lbs last week as well as really did some good work on the leg muscles. Today I didn't have any pain in my left knee, and was totally able to link turns again. I can't even begin to express how good that feels, and now has me even more motivated to really get fit. I'm actually looking forward to going to the gym on Monday. I'm looking forward to another fun day at Windham tomorrow. Should be even better than today with some overnight snowmaking going on.
  6. all that wasn't stolen..
  7. I read about this on Alpinezone. I'm sure I have the sequence of events wrong, but a girl died (tragic) and Sugarloaf issues a press release, and the guy makes an off color post on Sugarloaftoday.com about the press release, that he even admits was in poor taste. Sugarloaf has refunded the cost of his Season Pass and told him he is no longer welcome there. It should be noted, that Sugarloaftoday.com, is not an official Sugarloaf owned and operated message board, but run by enthusiasts, much like PASR is. Lots of opinions in this one and I can relate to both sides. I think pulling the pass was a bit extreme, and SL is taking some liberties with the interpretation of their terms of service.
  8. You do! I should bring you as a guest one day! I'm heading back today for some time on the elliptical and then some more hot tub action. It's more like a resort destination than a gym. http://www.lifetimefitness.com/
  9. Here's my TR from yesterday at Blue. I got on the mountain around 8:15 and skied right on to the lift. My plan was to ski Paradise for the 1st run of the day to see how the knee felt, but after the first turn, I was feeling less pain than I thought I would, so I decided to give Dreamweaver a go. I love this trail. Empty and good conditions. I did two runs on it before I met up with the PASR's. Main St was the next run, and I figured I'd give it a try. It worked out ok, and it was nice (for me) that everyone was stopping every few hundred feet to watch the guys working the bumps. Did Main St again, and I could feel the twinge in the knee increasing. MbikeSki aka Gorgnzola was skiing recklessly down Paradise and tried to knock me over, fortunatly, we both escaped that with little carnage, but I told him he owe's me a beer for that one...it's all good bro! I skied a few runs with Chippy and his dad and it was starting to get really crowded and warm. I mostly skied Dreamweaver for the rest of the day. The consistency there was helping me work on a (almost) pain free technique of carve left, then skid right. I was really surprised, but I managed to get 20 runs in for a total of 22,010 feet of vert. Not to bad for a guy with a bum knee right now. On the way home, I had decided to stop off at my new gym (I have to basically drive past it anyway) for a quick soak in the hot tub. I had a quick safety meeting around the corner, and I pulled into the parking lot to find the place is packed full of people. I had to park in the furthest row away from the door, all the way towards the driveway! I went into the pool for a quick swim and wowzers!!! I felt good, but the scenery was out of this world. Tons of decently fit women in bikini's! After 10 mins of floating around, I moved on to the hot tub. Empty when I got in and so refreshing. So here I am, feeling no pain anywhere and a women in her 30's sits down next to me and strikes up conversation about how she can't believe the crowds today (the gym has only been open since Tues 2/3). Face was a 6 but physique was an 8.5! After 15 mins or so, I was feeling pleasantly relaxed and thinking that something bad is going to happen, cause this much fun doesn't happen with out reverse karma giving you a kick in the ass. After I got out, she moved over to the other hot tub, lol. Next on to the sauna for more relaxation and then spent some time in the eucalyptus infused steam room, ahhhhh. I can see this becoming a regular stop for me on my way home from skiing (or even biking in the summer). I would have stayed much later, but wanted to get home, since I had not eaten since breakfast and it was closing in on 6pm now. Overall, a very excellent day of skiing and relaxation.
  10. I've been taking that for 5 years already. Wonderful stuff! Doc said to keep taking it. He also said to get some custom orthodontics made for everyday use.
  11. Good news for Root's knees... Back from the doc....good news, nothing really serious. Mild arthritis in both knees, more prevalent in the left knee, nothing that can't be compensated with a standard leg muscle building exercise program (hamstrings, quads and calf). Skiing on it won't make matters worse, but he said I should take it easy...no diamonds or moguls. If I don't start working on the muscles, he said I should expect the pain increase while skiing. (mild) arthritis at 35 is kinda scary but better then having invasive work done on the knee.
  12. Really good breakfast there though!
  13. 4" in NJ. Streets are clean
  14. I'm not just driving 3 hours for nothing, pass holders get full use of the snowtubing this year, my wife is gonna be in Philly and I don't pay for gas until 2/13.
  15. Yes Think Snow & Wife Toast Atomic Jeff Doug Chippy & Pops Me & Bob Mixilplix Melissa mdskier Maybe TTC6 JibHonk PASKIINGSUCKS mbike-ski Oakley21 Root I gotta slide down to the maybe column. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on Thursday at 2pm to find out what is wrong with my knee. It now hurts when I walk up/down stairs, but not on level ground. I'll probabily come out, just to meet everyone, perhaps get small and hit some tubing if the doc say not to ski (which I fear is going to be the case). I know the meet-up spot is usually at the top of the 6 pack, but how does the group feel about making an exception this time, and meeting at the bottom of the terrain run/6pack area?
  16. Another vote for the Mountain Sports Inn. Clean rooms, hot breakfast made to order, hot tub & tuning room (bring your own wax & scraper). What else can you ask for. If you go back there...return customer discount. If you can, strike up a conversation with Bob, the owner. Full of local info.
  17. very cool
  18. I'm gonna get it checked out regardless
  19. I felt ok for the top 1/4 of the trail, then it was so painful to turn right. I'm going to take you up on that prescription.
  20. I think the chilli has pretty good flavor in the Vista Lodge. Not the same in the Valley
  21. Today was the first day on the snow in 2 weeks. I didn't make it out last weekend because I was too hungover. I'll called a bunch of orthopedic doctors today, nobody's open. I'll call back on Monday. I won't need a referral and my co-pay is only $25, so it's worth it to find out what's really going on.
  22. Came home very early from skiing. 1st run out on Challenge I felt a very sharp pain inside my left knee, and it was very difficult to make right turns. Took another run on Paradise and it was still there, but not a present. Progressed up towards Lazy Mile, again, still bothersome and very hard to carve a right turn because of the pressure on/in my left knee. Met AtomicSkier and AngryHugo, did one more run down Lazy Mile and called it a day. I can tell something is wrong. Damnit. Walking feels ok though. Not my month for skiing. First the right foot and now the left knee. Major ice patch on Paradise, right before the last left turn.
  23. before or after the safety meeting?
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