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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. 12 runs in two hours kinda day
  2. 7 runs an hour kinda morning.
  3. I don’t know what you look like but I’ll be there opening to noon. Orange jacket, brown pants, yellow boots. Say hi if you see me.
  4. Exactly what happened to me after the last storm only I took 80
  5. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. How much snow did Blue get?
  7. Thankfully, there's a timeout on the stream.
  8. Me neither. It's gets fun when it's tracked up. I also didn't want to commit to spending the whole day out. Tomorrow will be an AM session and back home for a late lunch.
  9. That's part of the reason why I passed on this one. I successfully was able to ride the last 3 storms and I don't want to see my luck run out so late in the season. With Jersey looking at more snow than PA again, I took a safety for today, and tomorrow off. Part of the reason is I also didn't want to reschedule two meetings I run again again again but that's a small part. Timing, luck and NJ getting more snow and not knowing how to clear roads.
  10. Big mistake
  11. I texted him. Working today.
  12. No. But leaving at noon anyway. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Great skiing. Cold and damp though. Empty. Someone nearby must have fertilized their fields cause home stretch is a nose-full of cow manure smell. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Stellar day. I’ve got a bunch of pic and some video to post after my nap. Razors from 12-1:30 was my rotd. So much shenanigans
  16. RootDKJ

    Elk - 3/15/18

    Smh Oh lordy wow, just wow (did I miss one?)
  17. Guns on on Vista and in the Valley. Awesomeness
  18. This video is way better quality than the one on facespace. I love the noise the chairs make as they pile onto each other.
  19. I'm still confused by the term "hoarding" being used interchangeably with the word "saving" $300 isn't hoarding money any more than $300,000 is. No matter what the age.
  20. We spent very little time in Honolulu. A few meals but that’s it. Costco poke is fucking amazing though. While on Oahu we spent most of our time up on the North Shore area. Way more serene, better food options hitting the local spots, food trucks, etc..
  21. Is hoarding a new term for saving? Do you encourage them to save for the future?
  22. Do you take 30% of their ice cream to teach them about taxes?
  23. I'd rather go to Margate. Waikiki is full of smelly homeless and clueless tourists from Asia.
  24. I'll hold your beer any day
  25. Finally someone posted this on facespace. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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