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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. It's nice to see sustained snowmaking, even if it's only one day's worth.
  2. 1"-3" would be great! No complaining here! BRING IT.
  3. Guns on
  4. Guns on.
  5. Me too
  6. Yuge piles of snow in the valley, or so I've heard.
  7. +1
  8. I love spring snow. The parking lot is good in the spring too.
  9. RootDKJ

    DPS Phantom

    Pass. Cuts into my home waxing & drinking rituals.
  10. How drunk are you?
  11. Welcome back!
  12. Guns on lower main and valley.
  13. Weed is dank. Snow is never dank. Cord is never powdery.
  14. Oh edit, I'm in for Sunday. See ya at the party.
  15. Main Street lift rides are always entertaining in the early season.
  16. Oh lordy...
  17. Good for all the right and wrong reasons.
  18. Any speculation if Blue will remain open mid-week 12/4-12/8?
  19. Same here.
  20. I just don't see it happening. Just a feeling
  21. One of these years I'm gonna get drunk enough to actually go tubing at Blue. I don't think it's going to be this year though.
  22. Sun is coming up on Main St now and the guns are still on Lower Main. Must be another inversion day.
  23. Sometimes the tides turn the other way. Seems like just a few years ago, we were slumming it at CB for laps off a short slow lift before Blue opened.
  24. RootDKJ


    One day when I grow up, I'm gonna get me a place like that, only with high speed internet.
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