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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. RootDKJ

    12217 fog

    There best be a JH video. If not, strike 3 GSS
  2. Sunday & Monday
  3. Lies or you suffered gas poisoning in the condo.
  4. RootDKJ


    I may head up after work tomorrow
  5. RootDKJ

    Gloves or Mittens?

    I made that mistake once. Cold wet hands sucks. Now I hit them up with the balm right after any exposure to wet weather and they have never done that again. Smells nice too.
  6. RootDKJ

    Gloves or Mittens?

    The only gear that lasts longer than Heatra's is GSS's helmet.
  7. Ali is awesome. Blue's parking lot never fails to provide
  8. Yesterday was the best day of the skison so far. Glad I made the trip
  9. Best day of the season so far
  10. Pics from opening day I forgot to post
  11. RootDKJ


    It's a miter saw stand. Reversed a few bolts. Added some old bike tubes. I'll take some detailed pics tomorrow.
  12. The old Soljourn Double lift at MC was a pretty cold one too. That ride would take 25+ minutes through GG to VV.
  13. RootDKJ


  14. RootDKJ


    I built a new "portable" ski tuning bench yesterday. Took me about an hour and cost $100.
  15. In for opening 👍
  16. Fixed
  17. Main Street guns are off.
  18. Re-started. I didn't ski much senior year of HS, college and for too many years after college as I wasn't financially stable. I started skiing around the age of 11-12
  19. Anyone else remember taking the old Killington Peak double and getting old wool army blankets thrown on them in sub-zero temps for the long ride?
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