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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. Sucks. Maybe next year.
  2. No go on the ribs this year. Sorry folks. I'll bring champagne and some homebrews.
  3. Nice pics!!!
  4. It's that kinda day.
  5. Can't wait to see you. And my taxi fare [emoji106][emoji7]
  6. Delete that shit man!!!
  7. As soon as I'm healed up, I'm there. Do it!!! Everyone loves stats from you
  8. RootDKJ


    Of course I'm gonna be at closing weekends. How many closing weekends do you think we're gonna have this season?
  9. RootDKJ


    Phillycore has an Orion. miss you too applebottom
  10. RootDKJ


    It was stupid. Down hill sprints and I put my foot down in a slight depression in the road. At the time I thought it was just a sprain, but now it seems like that was the cause. It wasn't from skiing. There's no way I could have done that going around the 1st left on Switchback (which is where I fell) It's a deep hairline break. Most likely I won't need surgery. I've been doing the PT and the home PT exercises as well as a fuck ton of pull-ups and sit ups. Late April or early May is feasible but if it doesn't happen it just gives me more time to get stronger. I may go up to VT in a few weeks and do some snowmobiling. I miss the mountains and it's a good excuse to go Heady hunting again.
  11. RootDKJ


    Well hello everybody. I haven't been around much because it looks like I'm done for the season. I'm not quite sure how it happened but I have a pretty good guess that it started in early November while running at the gym. At this point, it doesn't matter, I need to heal up. I have a fractured talus bone. Torn anterior talofibular ligament (most common sprained ankle type). Damaged calcaneofibular ligament and an anterior talar head contusion. The pain meds are fantastic btw. I have some lift tickets to sell. VT, Windham, Camelback, Gore. Let me know if you're interested. NMSki gets first dibs on everything. See everyone closing weekend.
  12. 4-5" heavy snow in Dirty Jersey
  13. I miss Platty.
  14. #3 is bullshit. Some chairs just have an autobar.
  15. I was, but for $0.99 ski tracks is easier to use and more stable.
  16. It took me 2.51 hours to drive up and 2.2 hours to drive home. It's a pretty easy ride as long as the trucks stay out of the left lane on 87.
  17. Sorry for the late report. It's been a busy week. I went up to Windham on Monday. They have a lot of snow. Great skiing. Took some pics and drank some beer. Great day.
  18. That's because we like you more [emoji57]
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