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Everything posted by RootDKJ

  1. Didnt have enough coffee. I thought this was for the Mantras at first.
  2. What are you doing with your old race skis? I want to get a FS/DH capable ride. When do bikes usually go on sale? I'd guess sometime in the fall?
  3. Thanks. I've skied toasts and GSSucks and enjoyed them. I'm looking to scale back on Jet Fuels and get something wider and longer.
  4. So I've been buying some gear on sales I've seen lately. Hestra Dexterity Glove $52 Look PX12 Binding $112 2012/2013 Line Sir Francis Bacon(184) $216
  5. RootDKJ

    Binding advice

    FYI - SAC has PX 12's on sale for the next 2 days for $112. http://www.steepandcheap.com/steepcheap/gear-cache-item/475009 http://www.steepandcheap.com/steepcheap/gear-cache-item/475011
  6. Prince Scott of Florida bans "water-pipes". - http://miami.cbslocal.com/2013/06/06/scott-signs-bong-ban-into-law/ As it turns out, weed doesn't cause brain damage at all, in fact, it prevents it. - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130530132531.htm
  7. How's the greens out there?
  8. Reading, no. Scanning the bits as they leave my iPad as they traverse routers across the Internet? Absolutely. http://www.forbes.com/sites/reuvencohen/2012/05/26/department-of-homeland-security-forced-to-release-list-of-keywords-used-to-monitor-social-networking-sites/2/ Marijuana = 010011010110000101110010011010010110101001110101011000010110111001100001
  9. Here is the worlds last remaining airworthy B29 bomber on takeoff. The "Fifi"
  10. Government thugs arrested over 800,000 human beings and locked them in a cage for possession of dried flowers (you smoke, vape, eat, etc the flowers, not the leaves). There's over 8000 years of documented use of cannabis, but as a species, we've been using weed for much longer than that. In fact, we've used so much of it, our bodies evolved specific cannabinoid receptors just to process the THC and CBD. What is the most abundant natural source of CBD? Marijuana of course. Yet, in 1972, the US Government declares "war on drugs". There is no war on drugs, because the drugs don't fight back. Very clever propaganda for what should have been called The War on People, but that's harder to sell you see? Very clever propaganda indeed. We've spent over $1,000,000,000 on the War on US since then yet the demand for drugs remains the same, but we have more street crime and violence. As it turns out, the actual effects of "the war on drugs" is worse for society than the drugs itself. Who is the victim if I possess any sort of contraband? Please tell me how I've violated someone else's rights. Oh by the way, to the NSA/CIA loser reading this post, FUCK YOU!
  11. Money. They have it and want more. Ya know fuck the human rights abuses. Keep putting men and women in cages for dried flowers. Totally insane.
  12. Correct. It fits two cans and I only put one in there.
  13. Not skiing is unfashionable. At Blue Mountain, Eagles jacket and jeans is the trend. The rest of us are too drunk to give a shit.
  14. Yeah, they named if after me.
  15. Started riding somewhere new. I'm really enjoying it although it's legitimacy is questionable. There are some trails that are so badly maintained that they are impassable on wheels.
  16. OMG OMG OMG I love you (and yes that's the booze talking at 8am).
  17. A couple trails have closed already. Don't know which. I also couldn't figure out my way to the 'other' lift either. The one trail I know to go down was roped off but looked like it had plenty of snow on it. Could have just been the beer too. It's my mission for tomorrow.
  18. I skied at da 'toe yesterday. Not bad. The short runs suck. Some serious boilerplate on some areas and The Asp had some pretty dangerous grooming. Kept a pretty good pace... 4 beers an hour. Edit: They have enough snow to last until Saturday.
  19. RootDKJ

    Binding advice

    After numerous discussions with Jeff and Justo on this very topic, I will be choosing Look Pivot/Px for my next pair of skis.
  20. yeah, it's a problem for sure...
  21. so tempting, but that's most likely going to be a really good day to be at blue
  22. Awesome thread. Great pics Sib. Pinned to the top.
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