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Everything posted by girls.ride.harder

  1. Lets hope it was 40gs well spent
  2. Yeah I was there a couple days ago and all of their parks are still in like, idk ,what would be the mid season equivalent to parks around here lol.
  3. Loon in new hampshire still has an AWESOME park. 4 of them actually.
  4. Registration from 9-11 am. Jam starts at 12noon. Cash prizes and gear, sponsored by Army & Navy of Whitehall, $10 entry fee Set-up is super fun, dfd rail, down box, down double barrel all urban. Come out and throw down!!!
  5. Dark side crew.. definition please
  6. pm me if your interested
  7. Check the site for info, just given everyone a late reminder. Cash prizes BTW
  8. Seven Springs got lots of snow last night tooo. It was windy but when you found a spot or snow drifts, WOAH. funnest thing ever.
  9. I think boulder is starting to suck this year too
  10. Why are you buying her mens stuff. A beginner girl is going to learn, and progress on something thats made for her, aka a girls board.
  11. I think Camel has a pay lot too, I could be wrong tho. But i remember something about my friend saying "I`m not paying ten dollars to not have to walk up an extra flight of stairs"..
  12. If you looking for somewhere cheap near mount snow, theres a little place called the vintage motel in wilmington vt. its about five minutes from mount snow. Theres a website if you google it.
  13. Burton71- I meant weight not height my mistake. For a girl that small to be riding a board that size around here makes no sense unless her build is larger than average. Out of all the girls never summers I demo-d last week the Lotus board is what seems best for her. The sizes go up to a 157. It holds carves super well and it was very responsive. Took it into some tight trees and it handled nice and fast when I needed it too and on steep trails it never even came close to chattering no matter how hard i carved with it.
  14. I just got back from On Snow Demo @ stratton and i tried out all of their womans boards... Is this going to be her first time riding, also how tall is she
  15. Hey now, free stuff is free stuff! And I have for surely seen worse prizes.
  16. No points, its just one jam and its free. The prizes will be fine Im sure and free stuff is free stuff!
  17. Noooo its for riders and skiers. BUT the only division is by age and gender. but still, skiers are more than welcome to come shred and compete!
  18. 2nd Annual Rail Jam at Spring mountain on saturday jan. 31st!!!! Registration starts at 9 am, and the set up should be fun. Lawrence prince, John Stacey, and peder rodrigo from g-spot team will be helping put the set up together so it should def. come out interesting! Jam starts at 11, be there
  19. stuck with the mountains with more of a park scene.
  20. You must not have read the very first post. I said to base your votes off of THIS YEARS parks and not reputations which is what you seem to be doing. No doubt boulder is sick and i do think its the best, but it takes more then just a super good park to get noticed like boulder has. You have to look at their event coordinator and pr guy Ian, he does a hell of a job with getting the mountains name out there and getting events together which has alot to do with why boulder is so known in the industry. Since blue doesn`t have anyone like that, you can`t really judge it by how noticed it is, you have to judge it by actually going there, and you haven`t, so dont knock it before you`ve rode it.
  21. Hm, thats quite a thing to say. Have you even been to blue recently, I`m going to guess no. It has the best park that is has ever had right now. The park crew is ALWAYS out there doing something and they are the reason that the park is so different this year compared to others. And boulder, they didn`t just send all of their stuff to Carinthia, they made alot of it and boulder still has a large amount of features.It sounds like you haven`t been there recently either. Oh and at blue, the only time you`ll hear anyone talking about the tv show or being "focused" on it is when they are making fun of it.
  22. Haha Thats a very good way to calculate the true value of a park. You are also right that a lot of the results have a possibility to be biased since a decent amount of people don`t have the opportunity or motivation to check out all of the parks. But I don't want this survey to get too technical. I just want people to vote based on where they are having the most fun at this season.
  23. Your vote is greatly appreciated! Make sure to vote based on this current seasons parks and not just based on a mountains reputation. Thank you!
  24. not too sure actually. will find out tomorrow
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