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Everything posted by girls.ride.harder

  1. Its a little late but this is an edit a few of my friends put together last wednesday...tdp!! http://vimeo.com/2365792
  2. I know i said i wasnt posting anymore, but working at blue is not my life but when i work i do as much as i can. I don`t even ride there so do you really think i care what my level of employment is on "the totem pole". And you act like someone doesnt complain about their management in just about every thread there is about Blue mountain. So news flash, its nothing new and I`m far from the first to do so. And what does it matter if i`m a girl or a boy. Hey mister, don`t be sexist now. That makes no difference.
  3. steve did you go to the meeting lol
  4. haha i`m not ranting. Justo i understand what your saying i was trying to get blues clues to understand somethings since she acts like she knows so much about what goes on about blues park. but obviously its not working. and Oakley whatever, your ignorant. you don`t know me and you dont know how hard i actually do work. As well as people like Stevo and Finkin that i would work with every night so don`t even start. I`m done posting here since half of you with the exception of like 3 people actually don`t even know what they are talking about. and like i said, if park crew sucks so bad, then sign up for it and do something about it! Haters.
  5. i`m going to have to disagree, maybe some people, but i know as a whole, everyone that i worked with which was weekends 4-8 and even when id work mornings, worked their asses off. It was a nightly thing for us to be sweating in 25 degree weather from working and because those rakes are so damn big compared to me. And like another thing is, blues lips aren`t like the major problem in the park. normally those stay nice all day, but holes after hits made of sugar just appear again after two hits no matter what we do to fill them. And the worst is when we try to fill the holes and freeze um up, people don`t care and they hit the feature anyways which ruins anything that we had just done. ok sorry i`m done but i`m serious. blues park crew does more than you realize. some of the snow conditions and people in the parks make it very hard to make improvements.
  6. Hmm interesting. Yeah i do work there on park crew, but i dont ride there. Actually I work there because its closest to home, and i like to fix things to how people would actually like them and i`m a perfectionist when it comes to fixing things so before you call me out saying if i`d actually improve the park, you should guess again. And i don`t need to ride at blue since i ride at boulder and have a pass there. I do it because i like working on the park. And what is there to get in return from management? If they don`t want certain park elements then whats there to really be done about it? If you think park crew sucks so bad then do something about it and send in a resume punk.
  7. haha thats why i said not on my shift at least. but for real kids on park crew would do runs through all the parks pretty much every hour and im sick of people acting like they didn`t do shit.
  8. ok should i be scared? Maybe they`ll read it and realize that they should give park crew more of a say in how things get set up and what is put in the park. All it would do is help them.
  9. HAHA wow, you are an idiot. Keith was a good boss so don`t put him down. If you haven`t noticed, blues management SUCKS and will not let the park crew do much that they want so please just stop while you`re ahead. It doesnt matter who the boss is, if management doesn`t let us do things to make the park sick then thats that. Andd park crew did as much as they could, i don`t ever recall anyone standing around smoking. Not on my shift at least. Sometimes theres not much you can do with sweet and low and ice. So, I`m glad you know what you are talking about BluesClues.
  10. saturday-8am-10pm sunday-8am-9pm
  11. i thought bear was black and green, not blue and green?
  12. of course! are you
  13. Don`t drive 2.5 hours to go to blue if you are into park. Go to mountain creek. But if you just want to ride then blue should be just fine for you and the closest.
  14. i heard that they will have other trails. we`ll see.
  15. That does suck, maybe blue or sno will be open for the holiday?
  16. hell yeah they willlll! i`ve already heard about whats going on in the come around park for the early season, and it sounds so fun. Soo do alot of the other things i talked to him about today. Yay Ricey and Sabia =] Keith will be missed tho of course
  17. both days for sureeee
  18. LOL to everyone asking whos the reliable source and wanting proof. Don`t you have myspaces!! Boulder themselves posted a bulletin. And look at the temps up there for the week. It would be rediculous for them not to open.
  19. Lol are you serious about that date?
  20. Who cares if it was camelbacks idea, it will make things nicer for the season pass holders wether it was Blues original idea or not, AND making the downstairs room VIP is GREAT. Its actually a nice little room with a decent amount of tables and lockers. I mean, i dont know if you`ve ever been in the upstairs caf on a weekend mid day, but its hard as shit to find a table and the downstairs room being vip will def be nice and make it a little easier. Yes the new management does suck, but stop bitching about the good stuff.
  21. I heard they were hoping to get something going within the next three weeks.. Who knows.
  22. When we were up there this weekend the kids on park crew said that they were aiming more for the 8th, but the 1st would be sick too. I`m pretty sure we are all heading up again for opening weekend which will be alot of fun i`m sure. Oh and Justin, you`re right. SKIING is wack. but snowboarding on the other hand.... hehe jk
  23. Haha oh yes this is true, and thats why my definition of REAL SNOW is anything but carpet or a strip of icerink stuff. hehe
  24. Maybe its not worth it money wise and all, but fun wise it totally is. A really fun day of preseason jibbing with your good friends on real snow is likeeeee priceless . People from up there came all the way to boulder for one little trail of snow and some jibs, so its like almost the same minus a lift and some rails.
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