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Everything posted by girls.ride.harder

  1. Justin said Quarter pipe, not halfpipe. takes JUST A TAD less snow i`d assume... and would be a little more conveniant to make since only one wall of snow is needed rather than 2.
  2. 8 hours of driving in one day is worth real snow! even if its only a little
  3. Hey librider, i`ll be there i think
  4. haha wow that is a really great question
  5. i think that mighta been sarcasm..lol
  6. Boys- Dom luza, skittles, marc iannazo womens- lexie b. , a skier a dont remember her name but she was good, jess kurman and you already know mens skiers
  7. well they should. because that hike park is rad as shit.
  8. that would actually be amazingggg..
  9. deffinatly impressed with the hikeable. it was so much fun today and great weather. going again tomorrow for sure!
  10. hahaha i didnt mean it like that
  11. Actualllyyy about 40 people came out for it despite the rain. Once the rain soaked all the way through your clothing, you didnt even realize you were wet..
  12. theres going to be at least two features. as of now ive heard the handrail will be set up, and a down box..
  13. first off, girls ride harder is betty rides slogan. i love betty rides so i used it. and second off i never said i was against everyone together. but i have a friend who is a 12 year old girl who can shred her little ass off but i feel like it wouldnt be fair for her to go against a bunch of guys. so umm are you trying to insult me or something with your post?
  14. blue is having a rail jam sponsored by FLOW on saturday.. registration is 10-12 in the summit lodge (upper) and starts at 1pm. probably a cheap reg. fee. and there should be some decentttt prizes. every one should go..its on vista so it should be alot of fun
  15. urhhh your joking right? lol?
  16. there willl be a girl division right?
  17. hahahaha
  18. i honestly think you are very wrong. you might think that maybe because most of the people who did all of the qualifyers and racked up enough points to make it to finals are mostly localish people? but the judges have seemed to be very fair. why would you even say that ?
  19. yes i am but no. these gaps werent just big, imagine the perfect lip to a rail , but then melt it down by like 5-6 inches and add a bunch of wholes and ridges and subtract any kind of pop that it would have. trust me. it wasnt a good thing..
  20. lol thanks! and yeah actually blue was handing out refund tickets so i guess it wasnt that bad.
  21. i was in the park tonight and all of the lips looked swiss cheese-ish. some features were even closed, and the ones that were open had either a huge gap from lip, or no lip at all. the jumps weren`t toooo bad but idk how soon the parks going to be nice again =/ but as for the little terrain run goes, that thing was pretty fun tonight.
  22. i was there and it did close, around 7:30, because of lightening. conditions were HORRIBLE also.
  23. i was there toooooo. total chaos!! aaand i hated the way the finals were. i landed a five and a bunch of 3s with grabs and i really dont even think the judges were paying any attention whatsoever because i wasnt a boy throwing sick flips and stuff =[ but watching some of the guys throw down was pretty fun.
  24. during the day i`ll be wearinggg an obnoxiously green hoodie lol. so look for me and say hi !
  25. 4-8 saturday and sunday.
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