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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. that was the bet trailer i have seen in so long. i love movies that make me want to go out with my best friends and rip everything then have a beer and joke around after. i will purchase that movie. movie embodies what everyone has lot in teh sport with olympics and shit.
  2. googles are a steal!
  3. got some turns in at jay on sat. the snow was down to the base in the morning and probably a foot at the top. had the biggest smile on my face on the way down. felt so good to be back on my board.
  4. romemadman

    Bern Helmets

    looking for a new helmet, i am kinda done with wearing my goggles under my helmet and my red trace is getting pretty old and battered now. any suggestions guys?
  5. well i have finally narrowed down my search for a board and have gotten a deal for a discounted rome board. I have narrowed it down between the mod and the agent. from what i ahve read the mod is a stiffer board than the agent but both acell all of the mountian. I probably will bto be hitting that many rails mostly jump lines and powder. anyone have any advice or personal preferences?
  6. romemadman

    Wide board

    my boot size currently in a Salomon dialogue is a 10.5 but very snugg, could be an 11 so i guess perhaps i could ride a normal size board with those boots the main thing i am concerned about is the f22's drying after a spring day anyone have any days on some on the wide dinosaurs wil die board
  7. romemadman

    Wide board

    I'm in the market for a new board, my rome machine is about 4 years old and has logged in more days than imaginable but i have taken care of it seeing as though it was my only board. I am looking for a wide based board for more of all mountain rather than park like my rome, i will use that if i feel a park day. Any suggestions from anyones riding experiences. Just havent had to time to research a new board with working 40-50 hour weeks. and if anyone has ridden the salomon boots that reduce your foot size by a full inch, what is your take on them beacause if i buy those i could ride any board Also mostly riding vermont, stowe to be exact. and the occasional bluemtn trip on breaks from school. thanks guys
  8. yea literally, kid is out of his mind idk what he is thinking whenever i have seen him
  9. yea they have a rediculous amount of snow everywhere still and they are holding their pondskimming today which i should have gone to cuz i skipped out on a concert this afternoon that was stopping me from going to jay its a 70ft long pond this year but if you can get up there
  10. yea we look at tucks from stowe everyday it is clear and are waiting to get over there and see the best in the east. anyone know of anysites that suggest what you should bring if do go? and nick i was talking to a kid last night that i go to school up here with , brian hamill, i think you guys know each other?
  11. there are way too many places to stay that are max 20 min from stowe and there is an acess road shuttle that you cna take if you desire, and doug is correct the weather is turning colder for this weekend with this front, hopefully it will add something back to the base, and dont be turned away or upset when you see the toll doubles base of snow the rest of the mountain should be fine. hope everyone enjoys their time, i wih i could be there with you guys but ill be home for easter but hitting up smuggs on thursday for the last time this season, maybe i will post a tr if it isnt a raining or b snowing so i can take my good camera out
  12. wow who ever bailed is blowing it big time take a look at what we just received here at stowe http://stowe.com/mountain/photo_gallery.php snow stake at the summit is topped off at 7 feet by new snow
  13. loon or mt snow ttc what is wrong with you, honestly, jeff gave you a serious answer from the knowledge he has and you go come righ back and attack him. and no i dont care what he has said in the past, dont be a highschool girl and hold a grudge, i assume your a man. so step up stop being a problem and be thankfull that people have truthfully replied in this thread to help you, yea people here are helping someone, it acutally happens alot when you dont attack. and you should think before you speak becuase jeff is right loon or mt snow are the final options and guess what i may not be a sponsored rider in the park or that amazing but i know a good park when i see one and most people who have been aroudn the sport for a long time have a general idea about most aspects of the sport
  14. ttc please post an edit of yourself, por favor
  15. nice TR and pics snowbasin is a favorite of mine out in UT what area of snowbasin was that last picture taken
  16. hmmmm i wonder why our economy is in the shitter
  17. why easter you guys suck i wont even be up here then
  18. stowe's parks for ttc tryo- main park down urban 10ft flat to 30 ft down box, vert fast big gap on step up perhaps 45, its big enough to throw styled switch 9s on skis, rotated slowly next is step up, not sure exact size to barrel jib bonk pipe- lip to butter pad to drop nex to that is a ver large tire big c box transition box, first on is low and on the right the two touch at the end for like a foot but the one on the left is a foot higher flat rail guard rail with lexan in the grove north slope- three medium sized kickers with nice lip, anything can be thrown on them at the bottom it goes 5ft high 8" wide box 15 ft? flat rail picknick table
  19. doug you should ahve hit up smuggs, they had the sterling lift running i was told but not maddonna the terrain of sterling is much better than anyhting the triple would have offered or MRG today, especially acess to the backside of smuggs next time your up here shoot me a pm
  20. you guys picked the weekend
  21. inknow doug is being difficult but i am fairly sure that is what he means though, after the pm i recieved
  22. so you're saying that if your not good at park you have no say if the park is good, god you are such a prick about every little thing, get your head out of your ass
  23. extremely limited lightng and the flash and the aperature was 3.2 the shutter speed fastest for best quality i really want to get either a. a lense with a bigger aperature or b. a bigger flash and i know they are nothing special, new to trying to shoot skiing and action stuff well yea i dont know the one kid but the other one doesnt have much style at all but hes progressing. and glenn no photoshopping here just settings
  24. figure id throw up a few pictures of our more recent burton factory session getting better at shooting action at night, but still a long way to go untill even i like my own pictures and threw one in of myself at the end, onyl picture i found of me from others taking pictures
  25. the landing on the big kicker was so shitty it semed like it wasnt groomed and bumps were forming on one side from people sking down it going to slide over teh hip, which is fun
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