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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. i am looking more libreal arts school and business not too sure waht i want o be whenn i get older
  2. i want to look at westminser while i am out there but i may be to occupied with riding
  3. my parents jsut broke the news to me that we are most definitly going to park city over christmas break i am so stoked that just made my week i now have forgotten about how bad school was this past week which was the first week this will be my first time out west and i ahve no problem at all goign to PC ahhhh soooo stokedd
  4. romemadman

    New Gear

    rome machine is a pretty wide board too an its a park and all mtn board
  5. anybody can put something up on that site thats why its isn't good for getting information for reports b/c th info could be wrong you yourself could add more info to the blue description i want to check blue out so bad this season alot of mtns in pa are stepping it up 2 notches this year i like it
  6. senor this is almost 2 years old lets not start this again it is almost ski season
  7. huh thats odd
  8. uhh they make one end heavier than hte other so it resets it self but not so heavy that it won't move kind of a waste
  9. he said housing out in Co was about 300 a month at the mountain where the employees stay i don't know if that is alot or little
  10. A guy that i work wiht who is just out of college is moving to CO to teach snowboarding at Keystone then once the season is over there he is goign to New Zeland to teach boarding that seems pretty sweet i could live without summer
  11. whos who in the vid but real nice u guys looked real good in that video
  12. romemadman


    short ones are what most people wear if i am thinking of the same ones that you are talking about the long your thinking of is the one where the hard plastic comes over the ears right??
  13. can u tell what ur base is by lookeing at it or feeling it ? i guess minen in sintered
  14. romemadman

    Post up gear

    got them on sale at the end of last season made by oakley a frames old K2 Satilite on left 06 rome machine with rome 390 bindings on the right edit: look at shadows post thanks
  15. seems like whoever buys the mtn is goign to make it much better improvement wise and it seems like there aren't many supporters for snow time how come?? well if all goes well maybe i will have to take a trip up
  16. romemadman


    what do the water jumps look like?
  17. they are water proof of course and baggy and really comfortable oakley makes alot of nice stuff
  18. i got a sick pair of oakley pants for next season neon green oakley logogl written over and over againg in like a spray paint random type thing and i was hoping to find some reflective lenses for my oakley a frames any one want to sell me some
  19. romemadman


    i saw my friend dave yesterday at the beach he said coc was sooooo sick he came in second in the comp at the end of sec. B and is goign back durring D or E for the finals next year he had some funny stories about camp and things that went on liek 4 guys completly sh*itfaced saying the funniest things and giving things to other ppl and nipples story which u will all prob see in the future he said he learned to doa barrle roll and almost pulled a 7
  20. romemadman


    don't let them push u around let the new campers know who u r U R NIPPLES!!!!!! have a good time and come back with some good pics vids and stories
  21. i like some of his songs even though i hate rap
  22. yea the kids that i know that are going have been rubbing it in fro the past week u might know them the all snowboard Graham, and Dave(or dav or smidge) i was looking into it but it was to much money b/c i need to save up to pay for a car
  23. romemadman


    what cameras would be good for a follow cam b/c i find that it is so much cooler than just filming each hit seaperatly
  24. nice keep up the good work nipples u'll prob go pro with how much u can do right now and if u keep working really hard nice editing swdorsey
  25. back on topic i really want to look at a new helmet but there are so many other things i need money for or want to save up for my parents won't buy me a new 1 b/c there is nothing wrong with my current one just that it is big fits my head just big shape
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