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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. we also wnet up to meet with my friends dad's best friedsn since 7th grade
  2. there was no hay and it was awsome u just have to go around the bare spots considering they lost so much snow last week otherwise it was awsome helgate had some nice moguals and i just got back and they had atleast 2 inches of snow on the ground and more comming down also they were making lots of snow it was pain in the a$$ to ride in without anything on ur face and it wasn't crowded not to bad for my first weekend out forgot to take pics but i will be up next weekend if my parents let me and there will be pics
  3. i want ur snow gun
  4. not really a good idea all the noobs cutting on theat trail not knowing it goes to clifffy could get nasty but the new guy seems awsome
  5. i am definitly heading up next weekend should have more trails by then
  6. dude get out why r u wasting ur time here go to snowboard.com leave us alone before u came this was a peacefull mb and a$$ holes like u have to come and ruin every thing just becasue u think your better than everyone else and b/c outr mtn isn't perfect like urs we ski and ride where we do becaue it is the best we have locally we don't care why u like mtn creek or hate other mtn so leave
  7. yea mojo what is ur problem dude no one like to read postts about ppl arguing about things that have already been fought over stop posting thisngs like why do u hate these things so ppl will get into one huge never ending arguments before when the board was just starting and up till recently there were no arguments about why ppl hate a certain mtn nor have we had threads about trying to get arguments started so just stop ur useless ranting and if you don't like pa sking or anything we talk about on here cough (pasucks)cough then just leave it was so much better before we had everyone arguing and tryuing to start fights and if you want to find out if someone hates skiers or boarders go to ns or snowboard.com just let us talk about why we like skiing or riding no hateing everyone or mtn becasue ther not perfect like other mtns
  8. dmc pu those pics away it hard on the eyes i hope to make it up this weekend if my friends don't bail out on me
  9. second one looks better
  10. why would they have a min temp
  11. i think i might go next weekend just got to get my gfriends to see if their parents want to give us a ride up b/c mine won't be able to give us a ride sounds awsome thought DMC i wish i had gone up i wish i had a ride is more like it tho
  12. i like this one band alot they are big but still local street light manefesto more hardcore stuff some guns n roses AC DC and soem techno i will basically listen to any thing that will pump me up
  13. dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't get a ride anywhere this sucks
  14. cetanly seems and feels cold enought and there is like no humdity
  15. wahooooooooooooooooooooo
  16. it seems like all of the mtn are stepping it up in their parks this year
  17. i want to go up there this year to see what it is like never been there and lots of kids i know go there every year and say it is awsome
  18. it is heavy rain up there right now but tomorrow it is supposed to snow and the same for friday so maybe they will be open
  19. that sucks even tho i ride i still like atching the racing everyonce ina while b/c it is the only thing for snow on oln
  20. okemo is one of my favorites go there every year in feb when they have every thing set up including a 60' tabletop
  21. i went there over the summer nice palce right next too mt washington
  22. looks like it will be snowing alot on the 18th and a white thanksgiving at killy
  23. from the 16 tot he 25 all the temps are below 30 fro the lows
  24. i had to waer my jacket and it was frezzing at 11 when i woke up today i love teachers conventions and so do the teachers b/c they never go to them
  25. hey DMC if you go and decide to go take some turns if they turn off the guns on a wekkend pm me i hope to be out before thanksgiving or at least on thanksgiving
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