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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. dude, what did u mean by if u miss a wax little peices of your base will come off in the snow? o and factory wax on skis and snowboards are horrible
  2. hunter is saying the 19th highly doubt it tho i will probably be up before it opens too up at my friends house
  3. hey i live like 45 min from u and i knoww some kids that go down there in the summer that live around me yea hoppefully we get waht every one is predicting
  4. well lucky u i am goign to get 3 in of rain becasue i live really close to the beach
  5. romemadman


    yea i ahve been leanning towards either the oaklel a frames or wisdoms i think i will go with the a frame
  6. romemadman


    what kind of goggles would you guys suggest i look at my old goggles are broken and old
  7. we'll have to see if the forcasters are right once we get our firdt blizzard
  8. do the winches really help pull the grommer up the slope or make it go straight do they connect one end to a metal pole ?? also cb grooms up and down the cats slide down the slope backwards soemtimes even at cb
  9. sry forgot to add the jk to that
  10. i will probably be hitting up hunter the weekend it opens and goign mtn binking there some time soon
  11. just sneak onto the tarmack and hop into the landing gear compartment and in to the baggage compartment
  12. i would really like to be apart of a park crew not old enough and i have school
  13. i am almost ready for a blizzard just have to get my new bootd snd goggles now
  14. thats a good idea but i think that the planks underneath are close enough so that that wont happen but its a good idea and i am goign to put carpet on the top so that the snow wil stick better that is what a kid i know did for his
  15. thanks the specs on the drop in on that web site are perfect i i was goign to make it just by doing what we thoguth would be good but then the issue of stability came up and if the whole thing would hold up
  16. i plan on building a drop in setup that is at least 8 feet tall this fall with my friends in my yard does any one have any designs or websites they have used to build one and ideas are greatly appreciated
  17. nice winter is getting close mts already making snow
  18. yea i think i missed it too
  19. glad to here it good luck and hopefully u can make their park really good make sure u up keep it
  20. has any one gotten thier ticket yet
  21. how did you find that out
  22. i ve seen leave changing colors but i guess as you said papa that most of the leaves are falling off b/c it has been so dry i noticed alot of changignleaves on the bus home from school vut it is getting close
  23. thats turning out really good and its huge!
  24. that picture stent chills down my spine u get out in any of that sib??
  25. romemadman

    New Stuff

    i am getting new boots new googles new bindings
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