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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. a guy i work with is a photographer for a bunch of action sports and othre things i thought some of you guys might be inter ested in ssome of his us open pics and others tell me what you think of his work i have told him of this website and he may join he is not a famous guy but a guy tryyinh to make a living http://www.empire-image.com/index2.htm
  2. i don't like the zip tie ones becasue they come off much easier than the metal wicketsmy ticket came off one day at hunter and the guy behind me on the next chair told me he saw a ticket in the snow
  3. i really want there to be a huge blizzard i t hink we r over due for one
  4. my parents arent evenn sure about the trip any way i don't know how long my winter vaction is it is either a week or a 4 day weekend i would never pass a chance to go out west i would like it even more it it was a snormy winter when i go
  5. wherere did u but the sand fill carpet from??
  6. well after hearing what you just said about the rockies skimom i guess i might not want to go out west this season
  7. yea i heard that on the radio supposed to be much colder than usuall and more storms than last year
  8. romemadman

    new boot

    I wanted some input on what kind of boot i should get for this season because i just grew out of my old boots. i was thinking of getting a last years model being that it will be brand new and cheaper. any ideas?
  9. did u buy the skis online
  10. my mom has a polar and she says it is the most well known and is great she has to use this when running now b/c she had a minor heart attack last winter at okemo while sking, she managed to ski from the top to bottom durring the attack she was in good condition before and when the heart attack happened she ran about three miles every day but she is fine now and just finished cardiac rehab
  11. romemadman

    Edge Damage

    yea a cracked edge will cost u alot less than a 3 ft tear it may also depend how deep it is
  12. i entered and i will def sell it to you for around 50 if i win
  13. you skim what kind of board do you have and what tricks can you do?
  14. ypu went with grahm and mat komar right? i know both of them pretty well
  15. sounds like ski will be there with his grass skis
  16. watch the video http://www.theonlywarehouse.com/video/Nipp..._300k_Audio.wmv
  17. zack no tiene la menor idea lo que decimos,
  18. i saw this one very small ski resort near hunter and it relies on natural snow so it is not open very much
  19. and your 12 year old son is named nipples
  20. well if any 1 buys it i am up for working their, beats bussing tables
  21. my friend said he was their when he was ducktapped to the chair
  22. damm i am too big for hose boots i would have got them
  23. that is like the carve board my friend has but he had long board wheels on his
  24. don't want to argue with her she probably always gets what she wants
  25. smuggs has too slow of lifts from my past experiences, but excelent conditions late in season okemo is great not very steep as atomic said but a large variety
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