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Everything posted by romemadman
where are the videos on there site????
yea i second that jk ski
do any mts in the poconos have a c rail or a step down
u think we r weird but still talk
it is an extremly family oriented place off mt
it is pretty good sking last year i went in the begining of march and we got a 6 inch dump over night into the morning (so nice) the lifts are so slow but the have a couple of peaks which are sometimes a pain ins the ass to get to b/c you have to go alone long flat trails but the do have some nice dimonds
no i was just saying it as a joke but thats perty scary imagine actually being there
i wonder if this will ever happen at cb durring the summer fire works please watch it it isn't really down loading it it is just to play it http://media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=fireworkbang.wmv
has any 1 here tried a swing set rail i mean the huge 1s and okemo also has a log rail ?? i have no idea why
yea okemos is ginormus i nearly shat my pants too jeff there was some local kid who was doing lke 720s adn tearing it up getting so much air and they have a really nice picnick table another cool thing i saw when i was at okemo last year was these kids ste up this kicker to the rail of a little bridge over a lond ditch that led to their house on a main trial had really nice wood raillings on the sides and we sessioning that thing all day
whats so specialy about thse sbully grommers i mean any normal bombardier groomer could do it and what is a yurt 4 the half pipe?
o yea sorry
the first year i learned to board i went by the haldf pipe a bb and it looked so shitty it had a huge hump of ice that stuck out on both sides of the walls and there was no way to even go up the walls
what r they not wearing socks
well it looks like we have a winner for the first area not in new england on the east coast to start making snow
hey did that pic change i swear that the one present is different from yesterdays
the spine looks like it isn't in the greatest position side ways?!?!? and if you wanted to get alot air off of it you would need to cut acroos the trail and you would land with a ski lif pole in you way right as you continue forward with speed the reason that the half pipe looks wierd is b/c it isn't fully excavated
i know in a way this is kinda oof topic but it relates to camel back and how people left but it is interesting to think back to the first message board for cb and how every 1 used to ride there like every day and we knew so much about cb and we all knew what each other were talking about but now it is all divided up
gezz dude, did u email every single resort u could think of but good going ur like the human condition reporter
who did u email to gt that info? i know okemo but what email adress or was it the snow repot email
thats alot more than 9 trails they also have been geting alot of snow lately
hey ive noticed racer chick hasent posted much in a while ski dude u and her sitll
hey i liveain jersey and i will admit most ppl that live in jersey and ny as really bad drivers (it is main ly the ppl from northern jersey the mobs that got kicked out of NY) i moved here to central jersey from montgumery county in 2000 and when i moved here to my town it was one of the most rural places any where and the only thing that made this town known is that bruce springsteen lives here. And many of the small houses were owned by ppl from ny as summer houses and that was ok. but in the past 2 years i hve been expiriencing the same thing s u empt all of the rich assholes from ny and upstate nj are moving down here and are building these huge mansions adn now ppl outside of our town call us the rich snobs when really more than half of the ppl that live here are low middle class but aren't poor. an example of all of the snobs moving in is this rich guy buy a proprety near my friends house and cuts down every tree i the lot except for 1 in the middle of the yard and was chardged by the town for doing so. SO later on he tells his contractor to ignor the huge fine and keep building and he will pay this giagantic sum of money in the end. This is what many ppl that have lived in my little town are starting to hate. It used to be so nice being like a mile away from tyhe ocean with beautiful beaches and great spots for sufing but now these huge houses go up and many ppl get fed up with it. some kids and their families go up to vermont up in the winter and have their kids go to the mountain school b/c they are on a racing team or they just love skiing and riding that much.
same for most resorts iin vt