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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. ok
  2. come to elk i am going to be there with some kids from my school
  3. and they have been making no snow and they could be good till march if they have been making snow every night that it has been cold enough
  4. have u ever noticed how big dave k is no wonder his signiture is a cheseburger
  5. i have northern wave boots but i bought them parcialy used but the have been great so far
  6. romemadman

    Sat. 2/7/4

    i am going with school ski trip blue jacket, gray pants, black and orange k2
  7. romemadman


    yea atomic u should change it from rock throwing to snowball throwing sorry skidude i was just saying to take out ur anger on somone else and say it is all their fault noone has to be hurt badly , yet!
  8. more like 50 this is prob what happened to them
  9. romemadman

    Ripped Off

    this will teach them
  10. romemadman


    advil makes every thing that has to do with pain go away i sware it was a gift from above but if we u do anything to skidude do what mr. simlie does this is one cool dude
  11. only peopel that will post i havent posted b/c i got grounder from the comp that is an example of parents making pointless punishments
  12. romemadman


    it is nice
  13. no school here and it is still snowing like crazy
  14. 4 inches here in centarl jersey
  15. where is High Cascade?
  16. k2check out this site pices and every thing
  17. i ahve a k2 satilite and it is good but i still need too wok it in b/c it is still stiff and i need to grow into it alittle b/c it is heavy for me (i am little small but aveage height)
  18. i am coming up with my school on a ski trip and i am so excited did u guys see how much bigger the half pipe is huge walls no i ce tomorrow
  19. i have a boire and it doesn't seem to heavybut as people say whatever floats ur boat
  20. going to be a quite night way too cold for most people but i would go and if u go u won't know who any one is because their face will be all covered up
  21. if u want to see how the helmet feels with ur googles just bring them when u r trying on helmits thats what i do
  22. i ment on the other mb jw
  23. i was giving more opions by puting in ski patrol and park crew on for more opions and rangers should go and liftes
  24. i like shawn white
  25. just wondering i am confident that one will get most votes
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