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Everything posted by romemadman

  1. email companies thats what i did and got some
  2. doesnt work anymore
  3. the squirrels up here is vermont are wierd as hell my buddy had one follow fim on his longboard then crawl into his hands
  4. i say you guys all head up here to stowe, smuggs, bolton, or sugarbush i can see the back of stowe and bolton from the front lawn of the college word on the street is this winter shall be exiciting(knocks on wood)
  5. scull candys do not last in the long run depending on what type u get what happened with the job nick?
  6. okemo had an air invitational today, they built a 75 ft jump lip to knuckle with a 30ft pit in the middle i would post a pic but for some reason there are no icons for me to put in a pick so here the link http://www.rsn.com/cams/okemo/full_size_im...egment_type=mtn http://www.rsn.com/cams/okemo/full_size_im...eSection=RESORT
  7. ah ledges is such a good carving trail but the sachem quad is the worst lift
  8. ahhh 7-1/4 and i would ahve bought that fo sho
  9. romemadman

    Hey, TT C6

    here since the banning actually, was a young lad then
  10. i dont believe ur talking about the same trick and just let it go
  11. shadows, u livig out west for the winter? or permanantly
  12. stress fractures are the worst, did it last baseball season, such a small injuy but long reconvery time for it
  13. dont put snowpants or jacket in there cuz if those get lost on the way there, then there goes ur jacket and pants, pack other clother around it
  14. there are some chutes that look doable even for those who havent done a chute beofre
  15. what reality show, or is this some joke i have no clue about
  16. should work now i made it public, my bad
  17. sorry no action, i was only one taking pics and the rest of my family stayed to the groomed stuff, the other pictures should work
  18. went to snowbasin for 7 days rode for all 5 arrived on sunday around 3 and drove up to teh mountain to see what the base was like, it is set pretty far up and back from the town below. Drove around for a little looking for a place to eat a late lunch adn found Chris's. Not bad place for a quick lunch, awsome burgers. mon and tues were sunyn days, not bluebird persay but extreamly nice, snow was all packed powder, the stuff in the trees down low had a nice crusty top but beneath was soft, farther up the moutnain it was tracked out. the groomed trails were super nice on mon and tues. there was noone there through out the week except on fri, the gondola at the base was a bit crowded in the morning. tues later on in the day the storm started to come through and was dumping, there was a nice new layer of snow on top of everything else which was really nice. On wed we got 6 inches of snow at the base and about 10 at the top. it was epic, being my first tie riding 10 inches, which i know isnt alot but it was fun. there were some drifts about shin/ a little above my boot deep. I traversed above dans run and had some nice lines through the trees there off of philipot ridge another good area was skiers left of the john paul quad, also the black areas in the strawberry area closer to the sisters peaks but not in the roped off area, the snow was untracked there on fri when i went through again, not really sure where i was reagaurding trail names. i dont feel like typing an extensive report but overall: the riding was excellent, the snow lasts for a long time there, just have to look a little, and in spots it lasts a week+ after thier last storm, like wide open areas. as far as apres ski scene, everyone usually stays after the lifts close for about an hour and has a beer out on the patio, there are a few bars in the small town of huntsvilleand around the lake, jsut a bit hard to find. Otherwise nto much nightlife, or fancy resturants at the bottom of the hill in town, you ahve to drive to ogden for that. this moutain is still a fairly quiet place, on the sunday we arrived it was as crowded as blue on a busy weekday. I recomend this place to anyone. Nothing beats long lasting untracked powder and no lift lines. here are some pictures view from our condo view of needles peak from the road riding up the needles gondola lookin across the strawberry area with the sisters peaks in he background i mean there wasnt too much snow, but i delt with it for the week( the parentals) ogden and the great salt lake off the backside 2 days after the storm, on the busiest day we were there for and noone came through this area beofre me, What?! sorry if it was a bad report but w/e it is the greatest snow on earth more pictures here http://s80.photobucket.com/albums/j182/d-m...nowbasin002.jpg
  19. i deffinitly want to hear aobut what areas are good at snowbasin since i am headed there on sunday for a week
  20. wow i never thought it would come but i managed to go snowboarding and skimboard in the ocean in the same week well 4 day period, it was super nice here today, not to cold, but u still get a "brain freeze everytime u go under a wave
  21. wow megan u jsut made my day, cuz i am headed out to snowbasin next sun and i really hope it keeps snowing more
  22. smartstyle in the park was not there today, on one of my runs through terrain run,w/ the nasty mini pipe, i hit the flat down box and heard a noise onthe boax behind me and there is three kids on snowblades on my a$$ about to fall on me , bu i got off and shout at them askin what the hell they were thinking. avoided sidewinder cuz we saw so many ppl who had no idea at the top and didnt want to deal wiht that, and i think i saw that dad fall that toast was talking about but other wise it was a good day. taught my friend to snowboard. She was pretty confused at first but then she started to gain her balance and gettting healside turns, te toe side wasnt workign out so well so she stuck wiht her healside most of the time. i was suprised at the fact taht she did really well getting off the lift even wiht me jsut guiding down on the side of her, but she took some hard falls and called it a day soon after we went back out after lunch and so i met back up with all my friends one who had never touched a board before, but surfs and skate, very well, picked it up so fast and went down chute, and down challenge wiht us and hit the jump at the bottom of sidewinder and got air the snow was really nice today, took one rune down challenge and the snow was awsome. on some trails there were a few ice spots. the snow held and edge really wel for carving, switchback was empty all day and i ripped down that with long straiht turns and lazy was nice also all in all so much better than being in school
  23. romemadman

    SIA trade show

    i know a kid who is going to the shope employees 08-09 gear demo at stratton next week, he plans on trying out the new nike boots, the new skate banna, and a bunch of other stuff some sick boards and bindings first section http://www.transworldsnowboarding.com/snow...08085-0,00.html second section http://www.transworldsnowboarding.com/snow...8562-21,00.html
  24. if it is crowded tomorrow i am gunna be pissed
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