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About rastasquid

  • Birthday 03/04/1987

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Salomon Drift 156, Salomon Relays
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    sno mountain

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Mountain Biking, Music, Snowboarding,

rastasquid's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. SantaClauzzz..that would explain why I haven't bumped into you at the gym in a while. Hope the ARMY is treating you well brother. Hit me up when you're in.
  2. Hey guys...Well, I am admittedly a seasonal member of this forum...but hey, it is a forum devoted to skiing and boarding so..... Regardless of that, I personally am going to make an attempt to get TR's on here everytime I get out somewhere. I agree with the majority on this thread, that the forum is a bit overrun with shenaniganry (new word) and flame wars. The topic of new members could be solved with something as simple as business cards. I am a member of a car forum 8thCivic.com, and it is a huge community with tons of knowledge. I ordered a sticker, and they sent me a bunch of business cards with a little blank box for "membername". I stuck said cards in windows of sweet 8th gen civics, and just about every single one pm'd me and said they joined or they were already a member. Just throwing that out there. I realize that a car forum for one of the most popular cars in the country and a forum for PA skiers aren't really on the same plane, but there seem to be at times a lot of useless posts on here that have absolutely nothing to do with skiing or riding, or PA.
  3. Drove by at 2:30am....Guns were Blazin' and most of the northface looked white...lights were on all slopes, looked like they had every single gun blowing. Tonight is perfect weather for Sno's setup, and they should be able to get a decent amount of snow made tonight. Last year they were plagued with pump problems early in the season (if my memory serves me correct) so hopefully this year they can get off on the right foot. They may not be the biggest, but it is so close to me, and there is lots of fun to be had if you know where/how to ride the mountain.
  4. So a bunch of friends and I have free passes to elk this thursday. I was wondering how packed these WVIA days usually are? (my understanding is that its an annual thing). We've never been up to elk, so when better to check it out than when its free!
  5. if anyone cares...
  6. haha thanks GSS, i won't go to Gore, I hate flat spots, and don't want to take the chance. I have heard others also say Gore has flats that suck for boarders. I thought I put sugarbush in there...my bad. I was posting from work and in a hurry so I didn't get caught!
  7. This is a poll related to my other thread: http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/topic/14580-vermont-trip-suggestions/page__gopid__244995entry244995 I am trying to plan a trip for this winter and don't know where to go! Help me out!
  8. does anyone else agree that the ski area sites offer generally the best deal when combining lift and lodging? That would make planning alot easier, to just use that as a general assumption.
  9. If Stowe or someplace that price was really worth it, we would do a shorter trip for maybe two or three days, instead of 4 like we were thinking. It would suck to plan a 4 day trip somewhere and be bored with the mtn in 2 days..
  10. wow thanks for the fast reply! To fill in some more info, we are looking primarily for steeps, long groomers and some trees. Atmosphere isn't super important, if there is a party atmosphere we'll go out and party, if not, we'll bring the party
  11. So last year I took a trip to Killington with some friends and it was fantastic. We are looking do do another trip this year for a couple of days, but we aren't sure where. None of us have ever been anywhere except Killington up there. Last year we got in on a college trip for $300 for 3 days of lift tickets and a condo and bus ride but this year we have to plan it on our own, so we are trying to get away as cheap as possible. Most of us snowboard, but don't care much about park if that matters in your suggestions. Thanks in advance guys!
  12. they are making baby steps. maybe the next one will be timely daily condition updates
  13. neither will I. But the 8th I will be.
  14. didn't your mom ever tell you... if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
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