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Everything posted by rastasquid

  1. thanks for your input. I have been thinking about selling the bindings seperate, but would really like to get rid them both, since I don't really have room for or ride that board anymore. I understand what you are saying but I think that eventually this season, I'll get close to what I want for it, but I guess I'll see. I still have the ride's for sale too..
  2. am I a tool? or is santa the tool?
  3. i just put the board and a set of ride bindings up on ebay, but would be willing to sell here if anyone is interested. check the listings! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=005 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=005
  4. rastasquid


    i have oakley a-frames, and wisdoms, and I like the a-frames much more. The lenses are replaceable, and if you are patient, a-frames pop up on tramdock every once in a while for about 35 bucks, compared to the 99+ they cost at ski shops
  5. rastasquid

    Elk expansion?

    i think you could have made one thread that said "is every mountain in PA going to expand..ever?"
  6. that was rumor from a few years ago, but nothing ever happened really. That DCski page looks like it has not been updated in a few years so don't get too excited.
  7. are they closed all week until next weekend?
  8. just got back. im wet. We got to the parking lot at around 10 and got in about 10 runs, before the heavy rain hit, and the snow was groomed, but the freezing rain left everything hard and kinda icy (and my as* froze to the lift a few times because the chairs were covered in ice). We hit the bar for a while and tried to wait the rain out, but it wasn't letting up so we did 2 more runs. The rain softened up the snow and it was actually nice riding, wet grainy snow. After 2 lift rides I was completely soaked and my feet were getting wet so we bailed. I had a good time, but I wish opening weekend was better, 2 trails was kinda beat, but better than nothing, and hey, its still november so I'll take it
  9. got to the mtn at about 4. there were still only 3 trails open...the park on mainline, boomer, and cannonball. Conditions were great when we started, but as the temp dropped, and more little kids came around.....things got nasty. Since it was pretty much bunny hill, and cannonball, there were alot of inexperienced people on cannonball and boomer plowing down headwalls, which contributed to the usual ice on the northface. Had a great time though, hardly any lines, and got in about a dozen runs before leaving at around 7ish. I'm going to attempt to make first tracks tomorrow (today) if my lazy/ soon to be hungover self can roll out of bed. If you see me give me a shout, i'll be in all black, with a guy in green and white camo.
  10. I would really prefer to sell them with the board...i will let you know if I change my mind though.
  11. BUMP: the season is here. offers? anyone need a board?????
  12. i'll be there. prob sat night, and sunday all day...maybe friday night too
  13. wow...the whole mountain looks covered. maybe they can get some more trails open for this weekend..
  14. like rossi said, I live by lake scranton at Summit by the lake...top of east mountain...bottom of mt margaret estates.
  15. so i went to farleys after class tonight, and left there super bummed about the pouring rain. BUT........ when i got home, which is top of east mountain, roughly the height of sno..actually a little bit lower i believe, it was snowing. and we have about an inch so far, and its falling fast, so all is not lost hopefully!
  16. i'll be up on wed if they are open. for sure. i do not have any pie baking dilemmas.
  17. the temps for nights this week arent terrible, they still might be able to blow a few nights Either way, I bet they could open highball, maybe mainline, and a few northface trails (looks like WL,smoke and boomer are pretty covered).
  18. hopefully they can get open for this week sometime. anyone know what happens if you bought a season pass and don't have a physical pass on opening day?
  19. i didn't wanna start a new thread for this, but has anyone heard any rumors as to an opening? the site says look for an early opening this week.
  20. yea, it pisses me off when ski resorts make snow too.
  21. i went to ski corner and tried bunch of stuff on. the foursquare stuff looks cool, and fits good, and feels like its quality. The guy up there that sold me 2 boards before (tim) recommended them saying they are "bulletproof", and he seems to know his shit. i ordered mine from dogfunk, which i feel like a jerk for doing but it was ALOT cheaper. My g/f is paying for it as a christmas present, so I'll let you know how it is after I'm allowed to wear it.
  22. thats beat.
  23. anyone hear anything about frost? I actually prefer to ride there, because I don't do much park usually.
  24. thats ridiculous. I could be riding in NC tonight, but Sno and Elk are nowhere near open....crazy world we live in
  25. I bought a Foursquare Adam jacket last night on dogfunk. I normally lilke to buy things locally, but it was 70 dollars more locally, so this time the internet wins. It's 15/10..i figured it would be good for me, I don't ride much in the rain or super deep snow, because I live in NEPA and we don't have much deep snow and I'm too much of a pansy to ride in the rain. Hopefully it holds up better than that DC jacket. Edit: And the sale just ended and the jacket just jacked way back up in price...glad I didn't wait!
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