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Everything posted by KyleA

  1. Are they going to fix the last jump?
  2. What kind of terrain park event is going on next saturday?
  3. Nothing b/c it's snowboarding.
  4. Thanks!
  5. The moose is no creepier than their other mascot, ski.
  6. Jib Academy isn't in the half pipe?
  7. They could make a good park.
  8. They generally put a very large roller in front to drop in from. And 300' is no where near long enough for a 22 foot pipe. It should be at least 500'.
  9. except when he almost died at cottonwood
  10. None of us actually want to hate on anything but Sno Mountain. Some people just take things out of context and get personal about it.
  11. I'm glad you ski park city more than 5 days a week. And I'm surprised you're not a member of NS, b/c you sure do hate enough. I was just offering my input on Sno Mountains Zaugg, and all you do is bash everything anyone intelligent says about it. And I also feel that they should have tried to have a pipe for a year before they brought in the revolution tour. I hope everything does work out for them though, b/c I want them to succeed.
  12. I understand that you clearly don't like me and are going to respond negatively to every post I make, but what I said was clearly accurate and not arguable in the least. If people from PC, which has arguably the best park in the world and real skiing (you should try it sometime ski, I hear it's quite fun) know about a small mountain in PA, then they are clearly doing something right and Sno should follow. And anybody on here who is also a member of NS knows that it is the voice of freeskiing. And last time I checked this thread was about a 22 foot zaugg, which makes a halfpipe, which is part of freesking. I don't see how that can be gay bullshit.
  13. I didn't say that anyone from PC was going to boulder, I said that they knew about how legit it was. But considering many of the current PC locals are from the east coast, many have been to boulder. When Sno is mentioned, nobody knows what I'm talking about. NS is pretty powerful when it comes to skiing. I understand that Sno is trying to be the only place in the east with a 22 foot pipe to put themselves on the map, but most people want a nice park before a pipe. Especially since it is so late in the season, they should just work on making their park legit this year to make everyone happy. And then next year, they can recreate the same legit park with less effort, and concentrate more on the pipe in the early season.
  14. Everyone in PC knows about Boulder, so they are clearly legit.
  15. You're completely right. Sno's park is and has always been awesome, and the 22 foot pipe is going to be a great success.
  16. You also can't say that you can maintain anything in the park.
  17. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you knew everything there is to know about skiing and sno mountain. I don't know how much a 22 foot zaugg will cost next year and actually, I don't know how much one cost this year. I'm pretty sure it was quite a bit of money though. They probably had to raise the price b/c they realized nobody needed one. The question is, do you know the uselessness of a 22 foot pipe? How big was the pipe in the x games? Ohh thats right 18 feet. So if the best riders in the world are riding an 18 foot pipe, why does snow need a 22? (And I'm not suggesting that an 18 foot pipe would be any better for sno.) Also, from what I hear they can't maintain a 13 foot pipe, so what makes anyone think they will maintain a 22? And an ungroomed 22 foot pipe can definitely do some damage to anybody. And you're right, I probably don't know how to run a resort, but I'm talking from a park skiers point of view rather than an old man who knows nothing about a half pipe point of view. Not many people can ride a 22 foot pipe especially in PA. And the only progress I see that Sno has made thus far was a name change, some snow guns that they don't use enough, a new lodge with over priced food, and a water park that didn't open when it was supposed to. I do have pretty bad vision though, so I may be missing some of it.
  18. I actually don't run any ski areas, and I clearly stated that I wasn't hating. Some people just want Sno to improve rather than being satisfied with how it is currently. Nothing good will ever come to Sno without progression, I just feel that they need to take smaller steps to progress. They should make what they already have better before they undertake a huge new project that will consume a great amount of time, money and snow.
  19. I don't despise Sno. I just want them to get better and they aren't doing a good job of it despite all of their claims. I would prefer to ski at Sno when I'm home b/c its closer than boulder or creek, but it's never worth the 15 minute drive. I just think they are making many poor decisions when it comes to "improving" the mountain. And I also don't know what they think a 22 foot pipe is going to do for them. I understand it may initially bring in some people who are not local to Sno and it would be sick if it actually turns out nice and they maintain it. But honestly, there may be 5 kids in all of PA who will be able to air out of a 22 foot pipe, or even make it within 4 feet of the deck. I ski Park City on a daily basis which has arguably the best park in the world, and they only have an 18 foot pipe. Guess how many people are in the pipe during the week. None. And on the weekends there may be 4 or 5 kids throwing down in it. And much like Sno will have the only "good" pipe in PA, PC has the only nice pipe in Utah. Although there are many good skis at Sno and all throughout the tri-state area, the talent pool at PC is much greater. Therefore, I foresee hardly anybody using the 22 footer at Sno. I'm just voicing my opinion about the decisions that Sno is making, since obviously they aren't putting much thought into them. I really would like to see them get better, but they need to start trying.
  20. Looks like Sno made another poor decision. And wasted lots of money in the process. Way to go guys!
  21. A 22 foot pipe is massive. Park City's is 18 and scary as hell. And I don't know what the park set up is like, but you should get a dfd rail b/c they are enjoyable. And also set up some legit down rails.
  22. Did they start blowing snow for the 22 foot pipe yet?
  23. Cannonball gets no more traffic than mainline. And the people on cannonball are of a higher ability level. They do need to put jumps on a steeper trail b/c on spike, you cant get enough speed for a jump that is larger than 25 feet. What they really need to do is dedicate more trails to a park so they can have a jump line and then some rails in a less steep area.
  24. Another Sno Mtn slopestyle. Sounds like fun.
  25. I'm racing. And can you use a pair of skis with FKS bindings? I need a new set. I would, but I'm too busy frolicing with skis wife.
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