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Everything posted by funkmaztafox

  1. ahahah. this thread delivers! i never thought i'd see the day when an impersonator blitzed the forums and ninja'd someone else's publicity stunt. TERRIFIC!
  2. looks and sounds like everyone had a great time. sorry that i missed it, but i celebrated yesterday with gaper day eve sporting the medical scrubs, haha. Around 11pm Friday night I decided it was time for bed, after being up for a consecutive 31 hours. I slept for 17 hours which is a personal record. sounds also like the snow hardened up a bit for the morning crew.
  3. yeah a bit on 476. then because i was so tired i accidently thought that i needed to take the sign pointing to "New Jersey" and it sent me to 276, and i had to go 4 miles down there, pay a toll to make a u-turn and get another toll. then i went to barnes and noble. and McD's. well until Mid-May i'mm working 6 days a week, and this is proof that going up on my day off is not the best idea, plus if i kept to shift then it'd be more night skiing =(.
  4. i've heard of travelling nurses doing 3x 12hr shifts per week and getting paid for 40hrs/week. wtf i enjoy them too if there's stuff to be doing
  5. http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...st&p=191594 last night at 5pm woke up from sleep worked from 6:30pm until 7am went to a bar for 2 beers at 8am came home and was going to throw in the towel on the trip a few wow games and forum surfings later i said screw it left here somwehere near noon arrived at the lower lot 1:20pm rode until 4:30pm just got home (7:30pm) that was definately my last trip of the season. i'm not doing that again oh, and i'm a structural design engineer and i make sure shit doesn't fall over
  6. wow i'm messed up. i'm on 26th straight hour with no sleeps, i barely made it back. f'n turnpike leaves very few options for pulling over for a quick nap. i did go though, and i did wear my scrubs. i'm pretty sure i saw you a few times but i couldn't even remember IF i comprehended what you were wearing. i thought you said green jacket with whitye helmet. damnit.
  7. if its warm enough when i get up there i'm wearing my scrubs that i wear inside the nuke building. at least for a little while.
  8. fuck it. i'm heading up there now. should be there around 1ish. if i start head bobbing while driving then i'ma have to pull over and nap. if anyone sees a silver evo in the lower lot with a dude passed out it in it's me because i have been up since 5pm yesterday. i'll be putting all the extra stickers that I bought from papasteeze under people's windshield wipers and doing crazy shit only an insomniac would
  9. just got off my shift and am too out of it to do anything. gotta rest for the one day a week i have off. if next friday changes though, maybe i'll make one last outing.
  10. Topic says it all. Who all is heading up to Blue Friday Afternoon/Evening. Still debating on going or not. If I go I'll try to make it in time for a GrilledSteezeSighting (around 4pm at the gate) and probably stay until the 8 hour. gray jacket, olive pants, black helmet with PASR sticker List expected time of arrival/departure, what you'll be wearing, last four of your social and pin number
  11. 12 hrs (is what we get paid, no travel time counted =() and it's 6 days a week. Nah we dont work with homer simpsons. those are the plant control room operators we are the contractors
  12. SUPER DUPER!! that's funny haha. AJ's is the ONLY good place to grab a drink in Pennsville. I can't believe they needed bouncers. And the entire town is on one damn road . They've convienantly opened at 7am to support the plant outage, I actually went this morning after work for beer and eggs. The breakfast food was whack, I dont think they ever cleaned the grill before they cooked the eggs .
  13. 72h/week for estimated 60days, but the pay is......well
  14. perfect? haha. wake up at 5pm, drive to work (30min). work 12.5h (now 7am), drive back home (7:30am), drive 1h45m to blue (now it's 9:15am). ride for 3h (now it's noon). drive back home (now it's 1:45pm). sleep for 3h15m. wake up....at 5pm to work another 13.5h straight?!?! I'll do my best to wake up a little early friday (my day off) and try to be up there by 4pm for the cheap rates, barring that I may get a few PASR sightings.
  15. I've been top 10 chairs on more than one occasion at blue this season. Must've just missed everyone. My problem I guess is that I am an upper lotter...and all that time waiting at the top gate is when i should be at the bottom gate catching the PASR's. I didn't really find out about the lower lot until it was too late (when I came the last two times it was with the roomate (renter)). Really sucks you gotta catch the double-chair to get to the upper lot though at the end of the day. I'm trying to think of a good way to have some community representation....PASR has a good thing going here, Maybe like blue bandanas to hang from the belt, a bit easier to see than stickers. someone's gotta know a custom design clothing company. I dunno. Then again there's also the posibility of catching first chair in the morning and streamline tucking down Challenge while screaming "PA SKI AND RIDE DOT COM WHERE PENNSYVANIA COMES TOGETHER" repetitively. haha. maybe i'll do that if i head back. Man, with friday night off i'm really debating heading up for a friday afternoon session. just talking about my last trip makes me want to head back =( not on that diet
  16. haha. overall it was manageable. The only two runs that were very annoying were switchback and razor's edge. Now I know why they called it razors edge, I thought about bringing some ice skates, crikey, that turn after the downhill in the flats underneath the chair was hella scary. Yeah my job up here is from Jan-May of this year. Right before coming up (I'm living in southern NJ during these months) I found out about paskiandride.com. My second day up here I headed to Blue. I was choosing between CB, BC, and Blue for conditions and TR's and, get this, the deciding factor was GrilledSteezeSandwich's TR's How much do they pay you? lol. Seriously though I've enjoyed the layout of this site (see PASR Supporter sticker under avatar ) and even met a guy to carpool with once to BC from here. I did buy PASR stickers from Papasteeze and threw one on the back of my helmet, but I haven't seen any others nor been approached by any PASR's while on the mtn. =( Guess I
  17. Monday, March 10
  18. they handed them out today saying they're in effect as of tomorrow.
  19. i know there's already two TR's about blue from today, pics including, but I hit up blue for my first ever evening session, and since it's a whole different world I figure I'd share. Me and the roomate hopped on the 295 around 3ish (oops DST) with every intention of getting there for an evening session while catching the first part of it with a bit of sunlight left. Listened to some Dane Cook Harmful if Swalled on the way up. Pulled up around quarter to 5 i believe in the upper lot (he's a renter). In the lobby there was the filming crew, and even a police officer and I think they were "staging" arresting some kids. Didn't care to be a gaper though, I had a mountain to hit up. As me and the roomate are going to 12h days 6 days a week starting tomorrow, i wanted to make it a good last run of the season. This was also unfortunate when they handed me the 1/2 off coupon that I know i will not be able to use. Since both of us are on nightshift (6:30pm-7am) this evening session's timing was ideal. I've been to blue probably 4 times before during the day (all were this season too), but never at night. First run there was hardly a line at the green lift so I waved the roomate to skip it and take a test-run down Burma. It was really inconsistent, most of the left of the run was all dip'n'dots and parts of the right were all dip'n'dots over ice. trails were fairly empty though. got down to burma lift and rode it up top, then caught switchback down. it was rather icey and not very fun. hit up the mini-park at the end. the landing to the butter box was mad dug out, all icey and the landings to the rails were icey but doable. one of the runs down i pulled a 3 off the mailbox jump at the end but caught an edge and both knees came down, SMASH, into the ice. it felt like i had just shattered both knees. took me a while to get up but i was okay. scoping out sidewinder park on the first 6-packer ride up, all the landings looked uber icey, so I stayed away. we hit Paradise for a nice long run, and then hit the 6-packer again to catch challenge. it was mad-fast, little bit of ice, but it was managable. caught some mad speed on that run. towards the bottom of the run there was packed powder that slowed you down a bit. next we did king tut's lane i think it's called off the 6-packer and hit lazy mile. lazy was fun, bit icey toward the bottom. another run through the mini-park and then i'd had my fair share of freestyle terrain,,,way too icey for my liking. next we did razor's edge and by-god you about needed a razors edge to make it down that run....it was EXTREMELY icey, to where carving at the top (as a boarder) is non-existent and where it starts to flatten out I had to straight up edge carve in a huge radius otherwise i would've slid. Wasn't very fond of that run, and didn't hit it again the rest of the night. We did most every run at least twice...Challenge held the title for best adrenaline rush run (I went the fastest I ever have on a board tonight on Challenge, using a lane about 10' wide down the entire run, and catching air off the 2nd drop). Paradise was redcoat free on every run after our first and we tore it up. I even managed to ride switch at a very good speed down the entirity of Paradise. Super stoked about that! I've been practicing that all season but only a little here little there because switch falls are worse than any falls. The Roomate busted a ski binding falling on my (presonal) record-setting Challenge run, so we called it an early night around 8:45. It was all good though, $19 lift ticket worth it, esp for the last time of the season. Some wendy's in A-town on the ride back home, and now I gotta find a way to stay up for 6 hours to stay on my internal time clock
  20. As a roleplayer, I typically like to put on my robe and wizard hat...
  21. I hope you're not really an instructor there and just some kid thinking he can make a forum account and roleplay like anyone else.
  22. I would expect a lot more coming from someone signing off as "Blue Mountain Snowsports Staff". Maybe what I wrote out went way over your head. I dont care that your bluecoats can go anywhere they want to on the mountain. I dont care that you can close off runs and set up shop wherever you please. I dont care that you can cut off anyone in line all day long. But if i'm in the mini-pipe and 30 of you come flying through the gates stampeding me with your superious season passes, disregarding any and all Smartstyle, you have a lot of room for improvement. It frustrated me but I got over it. but now the fact that you have come here with your powertrip i'm quite frustrated.
  23. I booted up at 7:15AM this morning. (had to make an adjustment to my bindings and forgot to last night). All the runs were uber icey until enough people cut the corduroy up. It was rough. Now I know why people tread on the grooming crew. Even first one on some runs there are bumps, humps, and all kinds of stuff still out there. They had they guns blowing on the halfpipe which convienantly shoots right into your face first half of the 6packer. around 9 it started getting a bit crowded and around 11 it was packed. The start of sidewinder park for booting up is HORRIBLE. People just sit there and there's hardly any room. A lot of weaving around people is required after 9am if you plan on going tomorrow. I left at 11:30 (I was in line on the 6-packer at 11:05, and got to the lodge at 11:40 because i had to take crosscut to the double lift which is hella long, esp with the ski schooler kids). A.D.D. Moment... Someone needs to teach Blue's ski team Smartstyle...It's 7:45am, I am in the minipipe, and 30 of those dirtbags come flying around me on both sides, stopping me dead in my tracks. I wanted to trip one of them. Also, Blue's Park Crue needs to spend less time watching their buddy do jumps in the minipark and fix the landing to the slant rail, how the hell did they miss that? The friggin mat was fully exposed.
  24. WOW. Thanks Method for all that really helpful info. Damn, I wasn't expecting that. The advice on the speed is the opposite of what I would expect, but when you mention it like you did it makes sense. And I know it's a mind thing too, I had that problem trying to learn rolls and flips on the wakeboard, but I just gotta have confidence. Even the tip about the hiking is good. Just a very good post which I think a lot of people should read, definately gonna bookmark it
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