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Everything posted by SHRED and GOLF

  1. what do u people think of the park setup. i think it is pretty fun.congrats to KT on his rail jam win thursday night in central park.
  2. it was real backed up. the top rental shop ran out of equipment and the valley almost did also. i rode for a while after work and it was crowded as hell. its rad to see tons of snow on the park. that should open soooon. i cant wait till the crowds calm down.
  3. they will be blowing a bit tonight just to test the guns
  4. temps will be amazing for skiing and snowboarding this weekend
  5. they obviously never met KT before, that kid is SICK as us blue mnt locals all know
  6. poker tournament for Catty Woods Feb. 7 at 3pm. 50 dollar buy in 1496 Dewey Ave. Northampton PA 18067 Visit pawoods.com for more info. Cash for top 5!
  7. Chicken patty with cheese and bacon is real good. it sucks that you have to pay for BBQ sauce
  8. i'll be there, im there everyday. HA HA
  9. Lexi, rice said something to me about a small rhythm section in the bottom park. sounds pretty sweet!
  10. No, Posh is safe for now. Those trails are also rad
  11. Yup, deffinitly a fun place to ride. losing these trails is like the equivalent to losing Jackson Hole Wyomong for skiing and snowboarding. lots of people dont realize how famous these trails are. I am very fortunate to get to ride these trails all the time. people think whats the big deal there just dirt jumps until they go back and check it out. there really a work of art. Thanks for signing this, its a BIG help
  12. Hey Stevo, who is your stepbrother, i probbibly know him
  13. For all you bike riders out there, The CATTY WOODS are in danger of being plowed. these BMX trails are some of the best trails in the world and are super fun to ride. We need your help! Go to www.pawoods.com and click on the petition link.PLEASE sign the petition. this will be a huge help. Thank you to everyone who supports this. SAVE THE CATTY WOODS!
  14. more then 35 times
  15. its all about liability , Lexi
  16. Bring back FRANK DANK!!! HA HA HA
  17. this is old news but i just wanted to say congrats to jason rice for being park crue manager. thats RAD! im sure him and sabia will do a good job this season
  18. sounds good
  19. Scary shit its just like golfing in bad weather
  20. grilled steeze knows whats good! Grumpys is the greatest ever. its so rad that they sell the BBQ sauce in stores
  21. That might be Lexi, then if its not who knows who it is
  22. sidewinder opens 2morrow with a flat box, staircase,and some sort of jump. thank god, come around is getting BEAT
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