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moe ghoul

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Everything posted by moe ghoul

  1. Must be a mobile home park
  2. Leave PHL at 7:10AM, arrive in JAC at 3PM.
  3. PHL to MSP to SLC to JAC. Gotta be at the airport around 5AM for a 7AM flight. Pre-flight self medication is essential.
  4. I'm checking my boots. They fit in my big duffel which is fine because I don't feel like dragging boots around thru 4 airports. We arrive at 3 so if they miss the flight, they'll get there by the next day most likely. Never happened to me yet. Yet.........Ski bag comes in at 47 lbs loaded.
  5. Pffft, I'll be singing Dreamweaver going down it with a yodel........in german.
  6. So, they claim this bag I bought holds ski boots. They do, if you have a size 6 or smaller foot. My boots don't fit, can't close the zipper.
  7. Quitters. I'll be there, I need a buddy pass, 4pk of some VT beer FTW. Is there gonna be some grill device? I'd be willing to bring up some Brats from Rieker's, rolls and german mustard. Shit, I might wear lederhosen for the last day at Blue unless I left them in VT.
  8. FWIW, this is the bag I got. http://www.bergsskishop.com/ski-bags-p48225c2764.html?cs=70255-70257&gclid=CN7C16mYpdICFVeHswodZeQNLg The end.
  9. Must make a mess in yer undies.
  10. Prolly a yooge Trumpstyle scam. Prohibiting outside food to try and boost inhouse food sales and offering a too good to be true season pass dealio sounds like they're trying to juice the balance sheet for a sale or skimming as much as they can before they go broke. Barb do drugs?
  11. Any more core shots?
  12. Get some plastic hair tips from yer POTUS. I think it's wind resistant up to 40 mph.
  13. Nokay.
  14. Dibs on a coupla buddy passes for next season. Or PASR day. I'll bring moar beer.
  15. Got a 200cm double ski black volkl bag, padded, wheels and pockets for boots. 155$. Stoked. Thanks for the offers/suggestions.
  16. We'll see what they got, I still have some credit on a gift card so I might splurge. I'll post a TR.
  17. looks sweet, but I'm going cheap. If I thought I'd be travelling more I'd get something like that.
  18. Thanx for the offer, JFD, I'm going to see what Buckman's has in stock today.
  19. That makes more sense. I wasn't interested enough to read the deal.
  20. Spruce Peak Lodge alone looks like a 50,000,000 property. Sounds like a "steal"
  21. Anyone familiar with this one? I didn't think I could get one that cheap. http://www.buckmans.com/bags/ski-bags/athalon-expanding-padded-double-ski-bag-170-180-200-cm-ath-365-o4i_19187.aspx Admins can delete this thread, there are several reasonable options to buy a new bag.
  22. Yup. I'm wearing my Marker jacket = cold out.
  23. Ride back from VT on Sunday was fucking weird once I got south of the Catskills. It got so warm in the car I had to open all the windows and moonroof. I was real tempted to flip on the A/C at one point. Lotsa traffic due to the holiday and tons of bikers out in that kinda weather. The dogs go ballistic when bikers are near the car. They spooked a few of them when they rode by and the 2 dogs popped their heads out the window snarling and barking at them.
  24. Yeah, but we didn't plant a flag on the table when we got there.
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