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moe ghoul

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Everything posted by moe ghoul

  1. You want noise, bright lights, loud music and lots of social interaction opportunities. That's cool, that's why I moved to Philly after college. 30 years later, I'm kinda done with it. Yeah, rent is too damn high. http://abc13.com/realestate/rent-is-too-damn-high-candidate-faces-eviction/495610/
  2. I straddle both, live in a city and can live up there. I've learned I can do without a lot of convenience when I'm up there, and just about anything I need is less than 10 miles away, got internet, sat and cell. Cell provider has a lot to do with quality of service up there. I think your age colors your view as well being young. I think a lot of younger born and raised vermonters feel the same way and relocate.
  3. That's a lifestyle choice, dood. If you like the outdoors, remoteness, a clean state and lotsa skiing, the Bronx doesn't offer that.
  4. It requires a fair amount of travel to get there from here, IIRC. You have to drive 40 minutes to get a Big Mac and there's lousy cell service. It's a lot like VT.
  5. HAHAHAAAA!!! You need to travel more before you make that assessment of VT. Rural = less people/customer base = driving farther and less technology.
  6. Stay midmountain today, yer brain is oxygen starved.
  7. I'm seeing a forecasted rain/snow line running along the Mason Dixon line. Looks like 0-10", that's the revised JFSkidan report.
  8. Stop brushing your teeth to maintain a 3 foot buffer radius on the gondola and talk with a thick accent.
  9. Storm was a disappointment, Tuesday was out, Wed was errands day, and today was make money day. Friday is Mom day and unless Blue gets pounded with a storm, the weekend is out.
  10. No creme brulee? Port was a good choice for after dinner.
  11. GSS brings the e-drama to JH and gets a free beer. WIN!!!
  12. Totals reduced to 6-12" for Philly area.
  13. Somebody should jump on this. Its gonna be deeeeeeeep then. I'll offer $500.........seriously, I'll go for $500.
  14. Yeah, I'm looking at radar projecting into tomorrow and I'd guess Philly will be done with potential heavy snow by 3 AM and it stopped snowing again, maybe an inch to an inch and a half since it started. It's still more than JH.
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