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Everything posted by Stevo

  1. Ah, so they lowered it. Ah, so it's still not sold. Bummer. Someoneone could take that place, turn it into 100% park, and turn profits in a heartbeat.
  2. Now who has the better quality jibs? As nice as jfbbs are (REALLY REALLY NICE) i like the looks of these better. They probably slide all the same though...
  3. Don't count on it
  4. no they shouldn't
  5. They Tore out the new lift and hotel?
  6. Camelback has more than blue, if anything. Look in the NYC newspapers, you'll see plenty. I've done this before on the handrail at the top of the steps in blue's lodge- not fool proof, but better than nothing.
  7. Stealing boards is wrong. If i caught anyone stealing anyones shit, i'd turn them in in a heartbeat. I had 2 skateboards stolen from me, i know the feeling, although slightly less expensive. Some people in this world are just fucking scumbags...
  8. I'm stoked, any progress is progress.
  9. nope
  10. Come around seems to work fine for me, idk what's so difficult about it. Sure wider/straighter would be better, but we have what we have. To have Descent, you need vert. Google the word, or hit the spell checker? uh, DC mtn lab can touch the dcmtn lab stair. Not just touch, but kick in the nuts.
  11. Anyone read the new signs on top of come around? They're brand spanking new, with "COME AROUND" clearly printed. I noticed this yesterday, and after looking through myspace bulletins, i came across this from Park Crue.... sweet
  12. They pretty much want you to open the tank any way so the compressor doesn't cycle. After you throw oil in it forthe first time, you wanna let it run for like a half hour nonstop to break it in. So, either the water valve on the bottom of the tank or where your quick connects will go will work just fine.
  13. Nope.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=follow+me+around towards the bottom
  15. 2-3 nights is my guess
  16. Isn't it bad for the environment in mass quantities?
  17. Went up with niftyshifty and skipoleupmyass. It wasn't that bad. I was bitching the whole time because i was soaking head to toe. All bitching aside, it was pretty fun. I was falling all over the place in the parks, landed a handful of tricks, but whatever. I got in for 10 bucks so i can't complain. Boulder park is huge. The jumps absolutely scared the shit out of me. I hit the first one twice and ate it, but it was fun. The jibs were super smooth. We all left at 3am. Now i'm beat and i gotta work at blue from 4-8.
  18. Dude, camelback's park doesn't suck! What the hell are you talking about? There's so much progression there it's sick! You see them tindys? I hate any snowboard video that starts out with a shot on the lift "hey we're up here at ______mountain, it's pretty______. Concitions are pretty rad. We're just______ LOVE the creativity oh and that black dude with the green hat really knows his shit
  19. Just cut one piece to fit the curve. The cut you make in the plexi will turn into the oustide curve for the next 4 foot section, assuming you don't have an elliptical tranny. Cut the next inside curve, then use that as the outside curve for the next piece. Shouldn't waste too much lemme try l ) ) )
  20. Just summing up the main points... Chances are, you're wrong. The head of park crue reads this from time to time, and even posts from time to time (the user name is "park crue" if you haven't already caught on ) They were even asking for suggestions from their myspace friends, where they specifically mentioned all the bullshitting that's been going on "on paskiandride".
  21. It'll come with oil. Then read the manual as to when to replace it. When you replace it, you use compressor-grade oil, from sears or whatever.
  22. Wow, i love how everyone's making jokes about this kid throwing 1440s. Ballerina, didn't grab, figure skater. Whatever man, 1440 is sick. No grab? No problem. I've seen people have trouble with 180s. Props man.
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