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Everything posted by Stevo

  1. TrailS? more than one? I think they're probably trying to say that the tractor is moving to work on some easier work in the park. If they put that thing in the park, it'd be fucking stupid. We have a school bus and a skyscraper box. Please tell me they don't mean to put that shit in as a feature...
  2. Exactly ..oh mt. lab
  3. A few people i talked to seemed skeptical about it. I was even a little myself. I wasn't really planning on going up, i just ended up in that area so i dropped by. ...and by the looks of it,they got some curved metal up there....i'm thinking c rails
  4. The cement mixer is gonna work....
  5. I don't know if you're saying that a winch cat would be good or bad, but i'm gonna trust the word from the head groomer at the mountain over yours. They've demoed winch cats up there with great results, but the mountain just hasn't bought one... yeah maybe not actually....but the third hit in sidewinder sticks out- that flat box was definitely up there. I must have been thinking about the rail jam...
  6. now to get it setup a little nicer- last years setup wasn't bad though actually, but setup for the rails is key. Ex- not building a tabletop to throw a rail onto... no, i didn't mean that, that'd be stupid Yeah, C rail is definitely fun. As for having rails inbetween the deck of the pipe and lower park, isn't it too steep there? But in any case, moving dirt/blowing snow could open a lot of different possibilities. Either that, or set them up like at the rail jam, an up to gap to down- that was plenty of fun Yeah, the really nice wallrides you see in all of the videos are almost at 45 degrees. ...compared to our 80 degrees... No, they're talking about the sliding board (upflatdownflat) that the last flat section was too aggressive) That DFD was fine Nope, and they need one terribly. I was riding with danny last year and the one thing he said that they need the most to keep challenge/razors in tip top shape was a winch cat, which they dont' have...
  7. Bus..check Slide...check swingset..._____ ...and what about the downflat down sbox? Don't worry....it's gone, and let's keep it that way. Are you gonna question someone who's giving you a free pass? Take dat shit homey! I'd like to see a nice down rail. Like the flat down flat we have, made out of 2x4 rect. tubing. 40 feet or so, with a nice downslope.
  8. Chea boy
  9. Blue mountain park crue myspace has been updated here ...looks like some reasonable shit for a change. Blue's coming this year. ...and guess who's gonna be workin on park crue...
  10. they've been out... I'd like to see rails setup with the slope of the trail a little better. For example- it's kinda lame how they always build huge tables to put rails on, that drop to super steep landings. Things would go smoother if you just slide off the rail, onto snow, witout hitting a huge steep, which will ice up anyway when it's ..........well, always. And i'm also a fan of round coping. On the side of the trail, where that huge upslope is, it'd be cool to see the cbox there, and maybe some little bonks and stuff. Regardless, this year is gonna be fun . Now i gotta save up for them new binders....
  11. The only way you could have done that is if these two things happened. 1. you expected the screw to sink into the plexi like magic. You didn't drill down 1/8" with a 3/8 bit for the screw head. 2. You really torqued down on the plexi, which is most definitely not necessary if you countersank properly. Lexan is plexiglass?
  12. werd Sick edits guys. Mad props
  13. Holy 1990. But anyway, the fight is most definitely not good smartstyle. pm papasteeze or doug for details.
  14. Actually, papasteeze is a pretty cool dude if you get to meet him. As far as being a fag, read the one wedding thread and you'll be surprised .
  15. hey chris, let me know if you need any soap. I have like 3 bottles of some dollar store dawn. Green apple scent. It's all yours
  16. Imagine if people started shooting more in black and white.... "he fucked up the colors" ..."what?"
  17. Stevo


    Well of course you can, you're a sponsered skiblader duh
  18. Stevo


    Do i win a pair of skiblades? ohmygosh i hope i doO!
  19. Sad to hear, but in the long run, it happens to everyone. I'm pretty damn thankful for what he did, starting up the mountain and such. Had he not done it, i'd be skiing at camelback. ...nah, probably alpine would be better. Anyway, who knows what'll happen to blue. Maybe they'll get sold, maybe nothing will change. We'll just have to wait for it , and hope that nothing bad comes out of this..
  20. Stevo


  21. I got there around 2, or was it 3? I didn't ride cuz my ankle isn't 100% yet and i don't wanna fuck it up, but whatever. I took a few pictures, then i ran out of film. I busted out the digi, but then i ran out of batteries. Needless to say i didn't really get much picture wise, but it was cool to see everyone. I finally figured out who justin and kevin are, saw trev, dan, rodeo steve,the other steve/burtondominant, matt stunt,big ben, and even papasteeze. Saw a few kids i know from blue too. It was pretty cool, and i regret not riding, but it's probably better than rebreaking it and not working for another month . They were throwing out stickers like crazy- i got 31 all together. Sticker catching is pretty rough though- some dude smacked me in the eye and knocked out my contact. It was a cool day- great to see some snow again. This is the only good pic i got. there ya go steve
  22. Remember the old saying...."the customer is always right"
  23. Not totally getting the whole argument- don't care to read. About profits, my view is that bb doesn't need to make money off of the jam. Even if they lose money (which is pretty unlikely), their dedication to late season riding and having a sick park will help them break even next season. Keep flaming, but it's not really serious- bb is having a rail jam, whether they're losing or gaining money. It is sick. On another note, I'll be there. Most likely not riding.......but we'll see how the ankle is...
  24. nope, register and ride
  25. mod-please change link to http://s28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/mis...amelback%20Jam/
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