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Everything posted by Stevo

  1. The butter boxes are a different idea, but i think it'd be safer for them to just take them out- slap them in come around as a gap to gap? Maybe space the rails out up top a little more. On the first corner, they should put the cbox there. It'd be better than the jump, making more room around the turn where the cbox is now I always take my shit off, for that reason alone. I try to make the people struggling to hike up the steps w/ gear on feel like assholes by blasting past them. It's serioulsy not that much of an inconvienence It's better than it was last year, park wise. If blue only has 3 groomers, that's nuts. I wish i could be a groomer. I'd love that job so much, it'd be so nuts to groom the park. I'm really anal retentive about shit (like ocd, but not ocd), so shit would be tight...er Maybe one day, never know
  2. Probably not, no. Go to blue. We have a school bus! haha Werd.
  3. Especially for your balls.. and the general groin area.
  4. One step at a time- can't rush into things, ya know? It's really not like that. It seems like the guy from sunday river has made some not-so-great decisions- not the management. Is sunday river remotely recognized for good parks ? I'm pretty sure that most of the locals, including park crue, is all for park passes. As for the steps, only god knows. Seriously, you don't see me jumping into the politics debate threads. I know my limits. I realize that i don't know jack shit about politics and how much of a stupid fuck i would be for trying to argue with people about something that would make me look like a complete asshole * ^ not directed at anyone in particular
  5. Yup, possible It's gotta be the orange one piece...
  6. They are both very much possible. They've both been cleared.
  7. Yes, a park pass would work, but this is what we have to work with as of now. You could bitch about the steps like the people who shouldn't be in there all you want. Hell, you can skate up the steps and set a bad example for the same people. Get over it- unstrap. Walk. Strap. Ride. Shut up. The whole jist of keeping inexperienced riders/ skiers out of the park isn't for their own good, but for everyone elses, for the most part. The reason parkies want these people out is because 1. they pose a hazard, getting in the way. 2. they use the features incorrectly, fucking up the lips for everyone. Landings included. It's different than the rest of the mountain because if you're skiing on a regular trail, you can always see what's going on. In parks, you don't always know what's on the other side of the clear, and by the time you're mid way in the air, about to land blindly, you have to have the confidence that the landing is gonna be clear of 4-year olds on leashes. They can get hurt, and you can get hurt. It puts a restraint on safe progression. If you wanna ride through the park and gape your little heart out, feel free to give in and buy the pass. Sure YOU may be responsible not to get in the way, but the other 95% of those asshole don't, and it's just plain unsafe. period Yeah Make the stairs out of concrete pavers so people have to take their shit off to avoid damage to their rentals.....
  8. I just hit day 35, it was epic. As is the inch and a half we got so far tonight.
  9. He showed you up, didn't he?
  10. Overall, i'm pretty happy with the park. I have fun with it. Some of the rails are kinda overrated (crackerbarrel and the sbox), but just give it time. This is a big step for blue, and i think everything was setup fine. As far as flow goes, there's still stuff that hasn't been added yet, so we'll see. I personaly don't find any issues with flow. Picky skiers, i guess. I'll be up at 8 tomorrow.
  11. touche The swingset actually scares the shit out of me....looks huge, well yeah, i know it's huge, but it's setup even bigger..
  12. I'll be up, but i'm pretty sure i'll get socked with a bunch of lessons, so i'm counting on saturday morning to hit up blue for real...
  13. owned! Can't wait to hit up sidewinder saturday morning!!!
  14. I got a nitro t1. I love it. IT's a lot more flexy than my old board, but it's not a complete noodle. It's not the softest board, which is great for jumps. It's just a tad bit stiff, enough to have good pop/snap. I love it, and if you check it out, in the right size you may like it. And for $350 bucks, it's not something you have to worry about fucking up. The only downside to me is the board has an extruded base. But whatever, keep it waxed regularly and you'll be fine...
  15. Word on the street is that there are rails, and we'll have more than one option at a time. Sidewinder is gonna rock this year. Look at all the jumps on sidewinder- reminds me of the ones at boulder. Nice wide lips, pretty mellow, to steep landings. Also, the new cbox is around the right turn after the wallride. Right around where the crackerbarrel used to be. Doesn't look too slanted,but what the hell, more challenge.
  16. Yeah, i guess what d-do means is: josh is a dosh
  17. This is gonna be a short thread
  18. I was trying to say in a round about way that so far, ski patrol has been gay in the park so far, and if their added reinforcement comes through, the homosexuality rate will skyrocket.
  19. Sweet, but i have to work friday...which means i may or may not be able to make it to the park, while it's nice. The school groups will fuck everything up nice.
  20. Yeah, let's run the lift at double speed to get the same amount of people to the top. Even so, the lift is made to haul ass. Splitting the load in half on that lift would be a huge waste of energy. makes no sense, sorry Because skiing down the steps and telling people landing on jumps to slow down is a very heterosexual thing to do... Beginning of the season, one ski patroller said that the bus was "on lazy mile". What a shocker when it wasn't there... HAHA, dude, i saw him go down.
  21. I heard that someone who went to help him got punched in the face by some other kid?
  22. Posted on myspace... Fuck Yes
  23. There has to be a way to seasonally install/remove snowflex. You mean to say over ....over there , that they don't get snow?
  24. Stevo

    Freshly Waxed

    i had demon last year- smelled nice vanilla and such. so good. I usually just use all temp wax. Occasionally i'll bust out the winter shit. When spring conditions come, i'll bust out the yellow swix, or better yet, the black OBJ. I mostly use OBJ, bcause it's sick shit. Swix here and there. If i'm out of all temp, i mix summer and winter was to get the general blend. I try to wax every other day out,
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