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Everything posted by NJSkiFamily

  1. We were there on Saturday afternoon. My kids and husband were waiting in line and I was on the other side of the fence watching. Some guy walks by me heading to the barn to get his pass and yells to his friends in a nasty tone, "I've got to sign some stupid form". It took all my willpower not to respond, "it keeps people like YOU out". BTW everyone.......the park crew guys in the barn do ask to see some id when you sign up for your pass. I didn't have any on me but fortunately my husband did. So just remember to bring some. Which got me thinking.....I really should carry some form of id with me on the slopes.
  2. NJSkiFamily


    I agree!!!
  3. Oh, and thanks to whomever turned on the football games on the TV in the cafeteria.
  4. We were there from 11:30-4:00pm. Agreed with what was said. Surprised that the trails didn't bump up more. One benefit - absolutely no ice. Fog got worse as the day went on. Drizzle/rain was on and off - not really bad. All open trails very ski-able so we weren't stuck just skiing one/two trails. Yeah - wearing a helmet kept the head dry but made you sweat. Saw a lot of boarders catch an edge and go down - luckily the snow was soft enough so didn't see anybody get seriously hurt taking a hard fall. A lot of young children there today (or at least it felt like that). The four of us had a blast. My two kids were the ones skiing on the trail edges trying to catch some air.
  5. My kids were 6 & 8 when they first learned to ski. Their first lesson was a group lesson at CB. This sounds obvious but the key to a good first lesson is the instructor. My daughter really struggled and the instructor did a very good thing - he asked another instructor for advice on why my daughter was having a problem. The other instructor took all of five seconds to realize my daughter had her knees touching. Voila - problem solved and daughter very happy. Another cute memory I have is the instructor hoisting my daughter over his shoulder to walk her back up. My daughter shrieked with laughter. After that we went with private lessons. I think you get a price break when you have more than one signed up for a private lesson (or something like that). So if CBs your closest mtn then give their ski school a try.
  6. Wow - that is really sad what happened. I'll admit I stopped going over there once this site got up and running, but its still not right what happened. Sorry for being MIA for so long. I've been checking in from time to time but not posting. Too depressing with all the warm weather. And I sprained my ankle in early November and thought it might not be healed by the start of ski season. We did ski at CB on their opening Saturday and had a great time. Then we headed up to Smuggler's Notch from December 26-31st. I'll get around and post a trip report. Depending on conditions we'll either be at CB or Elk this weekend. My kids are constantly hounding me about when NASTAR will be starting.
  7. Ya gotta love northern VT and the lack of decent restaurants. I have yet to find a good pizza place. It isn't until you get near Stowe do you start finding the good restaurants.
  8. NJSkiFamily


    Keep posting on a regular basis so we know you're okay.
  9. The snow came down hard and heavy between 9:30-11:00. Covered the grass. But now that its blue sky the snow is disappearing fast.
  10. Excellent April Fool's post. There are many on this board that should have careers in creative writing.
  11. I'd say go to central/northern Vermont. I like reading Mad River Glen's website since they seem to be pretty honest on their conditions report. They said the top of the mtn is in good shape - its at the bottom where coverage is getting thin.
  12. skimom,
  13. CB definitely deserved that creative interpretation of their announcement. Sheesh. Timeless, have you considered a career in marketing?
  14. Smuggler's is saying 16 inches in the past 3 days. But the majority of their glade/bumps runs are closed so I suspect that they lost a lot that they got from that big storm a few weeks ago.
  15. I think the developer is in serious financial trouble. At cb on Saturday I saw this HUGE hawk flying above the slopes - you know the snow must be melting fast for this bird to be taking a look for a meal. This thing looked like a red-tailed hawk but I've never seen them that big in NJ.
  16. Couldn't have said it better myself. YOU ROCK!!!!
  17. Prior to this winter, had Metzy done any ski racing? Wasn't this the same guy who did his first NASTAR not too long ago?
  18. Any updates?????
  19. Mbike..... I, too, thought it was odd that the cb website showed a 4pm close for NASTAR. And I've never heard about needing to have signed up by 2pm???? I thought that if you hadn't signed up in the cafeteria by a certain time that you just had to sign up at the start gate. My husband was the final person down the course and that was at around 2:50pm. So if you showed up at 2:40 you should have been able to sign the form and take a run or two. But I heard there was a new person running the start gate around 2:15pm. And they were running out of medals. My son got one of last year's pins and my daughter got a "platinum" pin instead of a silver.
  20. I'm just teasing at Stowe's expense. The really sad thing is that most Vermonters never ski/ride because they can't afford the cost of a lift ticket.
  21. Amen to that.
  22. When I'm up at Smuggs I hear people say that rich snobs from big East Coast cities ski Stowe. Maybe that's how Stowe gets away with $8 chili.
  23. Way to go everyone!!!!!
  24. 8 bucks for a cup of chili????? Maybe that was priced in Canadian dollars. The wind shutting down the lifts is a big problem in that part of VT. I don't know if that's true for the other places in VT. I loved the story about getting lost and having to hike all around. I'm sure that's an experience you won't forget.
  25. "Bottom" line, beware the wrath of 'mom. That photo needed to have a warning saying "put down all food and drink before viewing".
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