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Everything posted by NJSkiFamily

  1. dthmtl, I understand what you are saying.....ice is a fact of life at ski resorts in the northeast. And I thought the conditions overall at CB were very good given all the rain on Friday. We were very happy. I was just surprised how quickly it got icy on some of the greens even though there were so few people on the trails. And CB was blowing snow all day on a bunch of trails. We stayed away from the icy trails but I sympathize with the novice families who don't know how to ski on ice or didn't know other trails had very little ice on them.
  2. Papa, I agree 100% on the grooming issue. There just wasn't enough people on the mountain yesterday to have those green trails get scraped to ice so quickly. I'll admit I don't know that much about grooming machines, but the green tails are flat enough to get that ice broken up. It doesn't bode well for when CB gets more crowded after Christmas.
  3. We were there today from 11am-5pm. I agree with Papa. Conditions were very good this morning then the snow got scraped off the usual trails by early afternoon. Place was fairly empty up until late afternoon. Life lines non-existent. Very surprising to see no lift lines for both quads. It was our first time this season and we stuck to the middle part of the mountain to get our "ski legs" back. My kids got Atomics this year and they were very happy with the results. No one was on the Marc Anthony trail by late afternoon - it was pure joy. If anyone knows who was working the top of the Marc Anthony lift late in the afternoon.....tell him that we bought my daughter's helmet hood in Vermont. My husband told the guy we bought it at CB and that's not true. The hood makes my daughter look like a cat - with black ears and a tail sticking up. It was a great first day for us.
  4. POC, I had that happen a few weeks back right at the beginning of this cold spell. Its one of those things where gradually the house get colder so you don't notice it right away. Then you feel the baseboards and they are stone cold. It was just the circulator - we still had hot water. Plumber came the next day and fixed it. How cold did your house get?
  5. I knew immediately he was referring to temperature. Its school winter concert time and driving home last night at 8:30 it was already single digits. We were cheering the this morning when the thermometer said 0 - and the sun was already up. So it had to be below zero overnight.
  6. CB web site is saying Nile Mile will be open on Friday. Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!!
  7. me three!!!!
  8. Excellent news that NASTAR will be running so soon.
  9. Smuggler's Notch. And they need snow desperately.....the Madonna 1 lift still is NOT open. We're hoping third time is a charm. Two previous Christmas weeks have been awful (rain). Please, please, please no warm up right after Christmas.
  10. Skimom's my inspiration!!!!!!! I do hope she's got nothing more than a few black and blue marks.
  11. I don't remember Marc Anthony and Upper Cleo being open on opening day last year. So definitely more trails open this year.
  12. Wow, that snowfall forecast changed from earlier this afternoon when the heaviest band was shown a bit further south. This is why I love this board. Was it two winters ago that we had a big snow dump and CB actually closed because the PA Governor declared a state of emergency and the CB employees couldn't make it to the mountain? That's the irony of having too much snow at one time.
  13. HaHa, that's a great visual "let the trees read what's on the ski bases". Thanks ski999. I take it the "trust" part is worrying that your feet slip out from under you?
  14. Skimom, Can you explain what "get more edge angle" means in layman's terms?
  15. I'm going to say CB opens on December 10th.
  16. Thanks dthmtl, love the map update. Bare trees, freezing temps, snow blowing.....I'm loving it!!!!!!!
  17. It does look like snow blowing on the cam. Can't wait to see it in daylight.
  18. What joy this morning hearing a crunch as I opened my car door and realized it was FROZEN. I've been delighted that November has been warm as it usually means the following month is cold and that times it perfectly for the resorts to open a weekend or two early. I hope CB blowing snow now means that they can open with a lot more trails than they did last year.
  19. ski999 Its the patience part that I predict I will have a problem with. We think as we get older that we get smarter and we can use our wits to overcome our physical shortcomings. But now I know exactly what I want to learn in all my ski lessons this winter. And there's nothing better than racing as a family as you'll always have a cheering section waiting for you at the bottom. Even when you're having an off day.
  20. Shhhhh, Skimom.......no revealing any secrets!!!!!
  21. Johnny P, What a photo!!!!!! I'm with pocono - I'm inspired. Can an adult who's never raced before learn to do that? I would love to be able to make a turn with my body that close to the ground.
  22. Let's hope the other ski resorts do this as well. It's true that companies can deduct the costs but still, it's the thought that counts and it's a fabulous idea.
  23. dthmtl, Sorry for taking so long to respond.......but I agree with everyone that your family is a good candidate for Smuggler's Notch. They've got the fully equipped slopeside condos/townhouses (which is pretty good since I think the on-site restaurants are horrible). There is a good variety of terrain that will keep everyone happy and the entire family can sign up for lessons in advance. And if someone in the family decides they don't want to ski/board there is also snow shoeing and cross country skiing as well as indoor activities. Plus a decent sized indoor pool and hot tubs. There are snow mobile tours offered every night and even dog sled rides. Just bear in mind there are no high speed quads at Smuggs and every lift is a double. Ignore the constant pleas to take the time share lectures. Call and get the brochure and check out the web site.
  24. NJSkiFamily


    Being in high school is one thing but isn't Ridge only 10 years old? My only comment to Rob is not to be upset if Ridge suddenly announces half way through next winter that he wants to play basketball on the weekends and not ski race. Not that I expect that to happen but you never know.
  25. NJSkiFamily


    I would also hate to see Rob having to drive Ridge such long distances to race and train that Ridge gets discouraged. That's really what I was alluding to.
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