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Everything posted by stets3

  1. I dont remember all the results but i know in skiing 1. Jon Brogan 2. Nipples. Jackie Kling took the girls and all i know for snowboarding was Billy Kiel got 2nd
  2. Yo jared when u getting out of that cat and coming over to boulder to ride?
  3. They were suposed to redue the whole park for this so everything should be on point
  4. Plus if they opened it to the public all day the course would get shitty and it would be harder to maintain. You need to have it closed of to non competitors so that way everything stays in good shape for the competitors.
  5. Should be a sick time
  6. Very true it would be sick to see what kinds of things would get thrown down on that last jump.
  7. Ya boulder is way to massive for the groms it should still be sick though cause you know that there going to redue the jumps and everything for it.
  8. Any word yet on the setup?
  9. whos ridding boulder this friday night
  10. Why does that not surprise me lol does he even know how to fall
  11. I was sick all day and it finally caught up with me i just felt to shitty to ride anymore lol how did everyone do?
  12. Anyone know what the setup is going to be? Or how its going to run?
  13. Anyone going up tonight?
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