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    bear creek

travis's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I just won a snowboard but it's to big for me so i'm trying to sell it to get another one. it's a Gnu danny kass 155 10/11. if your interested let me know.
  2. wow a 300 dollars thats pretty weak. that wasnt even 3rd at the buckmans contest. this whole invitational thing is a joke if they ever really wanted it to go anywhere it would be an open series where anyone could do it. and 35 dollars for both contests is ridiculous, were not made of money. to me it sounds like there trying to make money on this which isnt usually the idea behind a contest, its to promote your company/ store and at higher levels to push the level of snowboarding or skiing which is impossible for bear to do cause they cant even build a good course 90 % of the time. if i do end up doing this its only because im trying to win a board for my friend whos just got stolen.
  3. they better rebuild that entire run and not half ass it like they have been half assing everything all year. your top 5 on the east coast live up to your name
  4. they need to rebuild all those jumps anyway and could just add a smaller side to it like they do in almost every big contest out there. plus the run is open and wide unlike love so its easy to see and judge. love is a good park but if they really wanted to have a real legit contest it would be on boulder park and they would actually take some time in building the setup especially for how much money buckmans puts into this.
  5. love park= gay, it should be on boulder
  6. anyone know what the setup might be like? triple jump line? or double?
  7. good job on the jumps they were fun and good for this early in the year the hike park was good too. the only suggestion i would have is to make the lip of the second a little bit steeper so you meet up with the landing a little better. i was very impressed good job
  8. will is the man. he knows what he is doing and he is a perfectionist. yeah the rails may be from planet snow but thats because there jut isn't enough time to build an entire new set of rails on there own when there already trying to get everything else in order. i have full confidence in him otherwise i wouldn't be working with him. plus i'm gonna make him build a badass jump line this year hahahahaha
  9. i say just go crazy and build a gap session jump.. like 60 feet long huge poppy lip and ginormous landing.. if you build a good jump i will regain all faith in bear creek.
  10. all i ask is that the slopestyle is decent..im not saying amazing just not a bunch of dumb shit crammed into a little run where u cant get speed for anything..think simple bear creek..SIMPLE..like the rail jam..very good
  11. you guys are silly
  12. all good ideas as long as they're built right..which run is the slopestyle and big air gonna be on
  13. i would be pleased too
  14. Does anyone know if they're gonna rebuild the big air jump, cause they kinda should its not very good. they're gonna see a shitty contest if they leave that one up.
  15. no they suck and never do anything.. there a waste of money except 1 or 2 of them.. and forum youngbloods suck i snapped 2 of them
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