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Everything posted by dreamps

  1. cool thanks alot guys. i will go get hte stuff today nad try it out.hopefully i can go riding this weekend busted my knee pretty bad this past sat. tried clearing stairs and hit the last 2-3 stairs and fell toeside right on my knee!!!
  2. i've never heard or seeen this product in my life. where can i get this from? im from bergen county, nj
  3. hey guys and gals quick quest. i bought ride pants a year ago and washed them several time but wasn't told to not use liquid detergent as it takes away the water repellent stuff on the pants. what can i do to make them water replant again? thanks
  4. jsut signed up for this site. im a reg shawnee rider. bought a season pass last 3 years. its fun and not too packed so i like it. im there every weekend sat and sun so let me know.
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