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Everything posted by Hallraker

  1. i've been a passholder or employee for years now and had to really think about the last time BC opened with only a few trails open. every year they pretty much opn with everything except timberline including a well put together park that typically tops most mtns in PA's park at peak season. whenever this season's opening day is, i'll definitly be there.
  2. one of the things i seriously love about bear creek is the gm, the guy is always out and visible if not on the hill taking pics, riding, or talking to people. and if you miss him during the day he's bound to be in the restaurant/bar in the evening. the dude is great and has helped turn that mt around 200%.
  3. the death sign is still at bear at the top of sasquatch, it may be covered in snow or something though, it's not very high.
  4. if the new setup doesn't change people's minds over what park in pa is best, i don't know what will. that 50 footer is nuts.
  5. exactly. not to mention it's well taken care of, has a good variety of stuff in terms of size or ability level, quality rails, and the pipe has to be the longest or close to it in pa. i can't wait to actually ride again since my injury healed finally.
  6. how blue is winning in this poll is astonishing to me, bear's park is far and wide better.
  7. didn't have a copper helmet by chance did he?
  8. i love spring riding. t shirts, soft snow, great landings for trying stupid shit off jumps, all around good times. as for what i'm trying this spring, probably just gonna try to relearn 3s and maybe some rail stuff if i'm up for it.
  9. it's weird, some days it's sticky and other days it's really slick. i just caught and edge so it didn't much matter if it was sticky or slick.
  10. check their website for comps, i know there is at least a slopestyle comp this month yet after that i don't know. i heard from a higher up instructor this weekend that they are still gonna blow snow when possible, so they should be fired up this weekend. as i said the park is still in good shape and the park crew does a good job keeping the lips and landings in good shape. kids there are almost always killin it. sadly i'm not one of them and probably won't be the rest of the season thanks to the flat down box. monday will be pakced beyond belief if the weather is nice. they tried to get me to work but i wouldn't dare. lots of beginners in jeans will be out on rental skis and boards. hopefully this weekend won't be too crowded.
  11. you definitely should, it's been great most of the year and they change it around all the time. i forgot about the flat down flat rail before too.
  12. as of sunday the park had 2 or 3 big hits, maybe 5 smaller ones. rails up were: flat down rail, medium battleship, the weird rainbowish rail i can't describe better, c box, s rail, c rail, big battleship, large rainbow, flat down box, flat box, flat rail. the beginner rails up were the pyramid type box, short flat rail or two, picnic table, tiny little battleship, mailbox, and a smaller rainbow rail. the pipe was in great shape all weekend, but after the rain it's probably kind of crappy.
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