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Everything posted by xkinkrider03x

  1. plenty to do. Just be creative.
  2. Definitely the left. or switch it up once in a while
  3. whoa, its wierd, im lookin at the cam (12:09 AM) and they are not making snow? hmmm what the hell. it is NO DOUBT cold enough. no snow, but lights are on. Odd.
  4. alright, so who thinks there actually gonna open on friday?? its a good hope, but i dont know. they can blow earlier on wednesday, and almost all day thursday. soo im not sure. hahah. that would be GREAT. but i doubt it. maybe a few days later.
  5. ohhhh man im sooo freakin readyyy!
  6. hellllll yeah.
  7. no doubt, i WILL BE THERE opening day. hey man, do you think they will actually open next week?
  8. WHATTT!?!?!!?!?! im soo freakin ready.
  9. yeah, i didnt doubt shawnee, as they are usually always first blow and ALWAYS to get open for thanksgiving. worddd. anyone else have official word?
  10. Alright parkbuilder, your our insider. They usually start before CB, which wasnt possible this year, but are they starting along with CB tomorrow night?!?!??!?!?! or sometime in the NEAR future. cmonnN! i know they always shoot for thanksgiving. they might be able to actually do it this year.
  11. what do you mean angle. please set it up straight on. going in a wallride on your edge= disaster.
  12. maybe you should let us know? ahah that would be sweet. also, i talked to before about maybe meeting with a couple friends and I? we should do that sometime soon, now that you know whats going on. My friends and I are the locals at Shawnee. I'm not bragging, but we are the best locals, hands down. Im not trying to sound conceited or anything but seriously. We have such diversity in our group and such, and we've been ALL over the place, from the west coast CALI, Colorado, Utah, Vermont, HCSC and more. We do know what were talking about, and shawnee has the complete potential, only if they listened to teh riders. i know you do, but last year we had a park meeting to setup the park. yeah that went down the drain. we got into the new park only to realize it was NOTHING liek what we had the meeting about.
  13. i would highly suggest to PLEASE PLEAST PLEASE use plexi glass ont he wallride.
  14. yeah i'll message you sometime. Me and my friends have a real good feel around parks and stuff, as we've been all over and know what needs to be done.
  15. yeah dude, nothing crazy onto the rails, but a jump on. Not a hop just to get over the inch of rail like last year. you know how the creek shit is setup, perfection. not saying LIKE THEM, but saying the rails setup, you know how to do it right. yeah i'm lookin forward to some bigger jumps too. And about the rail next to the pipe, listen. NO RAILS ONTOP OF HILLS hahahaha like the FDF was last year. that was rediculous. just bury the rails more intot eh ground instead of ontop of huge hills. and not soo much big jumps onto the rail like DFD. You know what i mean? oh and the CBOX. The last plateau. What we did, was we setup the c box completely sideways. we put it ontop and a jump onto each side of it. It was a really sicksetup. so you pretty much went down, hit the cbox on an angle, and then ended up coming BACK DOWN the plateau, up the hill. You know what i mean?? Listen, try to get them to hire 3-4 people for a park crew dude. I WILL BE WILLING and i can GIVE you 3 people to help you out. Me and my friends are regulars and ALL WE EVER did was help out and fix everything. maybe me and a few friends can meet up with you and such, and help you out because believe me, we have a REALLY good taste for parks. two of my friends made it to USASA nationals out in Colorado last season. maybe drop me a PM with your number, b/c this needs to be done right this year. Last year we had a park crew meeting, and setup everything how we wanted it, and they didnt put it in right. seriously man, i'd like to do this, this has been my mountain forever, we need this good!
  16. Hey, alright, im a regular at shawnee. atleast 4x a week. All they need to do is learn to setup things. I have a lot of expierience in the park, maybe you've seen me before (last year i had a BRIGHT PINK snowboard, and all black jacket and pants) hahah.heres couple improvements learn to cut the pipe do not put Jumps and rails on the same "plateau". Put a his and hers on those. Setup the Down flat down as a Down flat down. haha not up flat up. Just put it going down a downslope. Put somerails on the backside of the rail garden plateaus. make the flat rail a downrail, it owuld go much better. DO NOT make huge kickers up to the rails. make smooth jumps up to them. no ride on, just dont put them on HUGE mounds aka, the Down flat down. Utilize all the room next to the pipe, put a box there or something there. theres plenty of room for a rail or two. SETUP THE WALLRIDE, on the last rail plateau. PLEASE! no where else, that would be by far the best go at the wallride. make the up to the plateau the tranny, and then sttraight up, or whatever onto the wallride. Stick some rails after the plateaus. Make the C box hittable from both sides (we did this last year, if you remember, it was a sick setup) If you've ever been to creek,setup the rails like that. I dont mean, try to be creek, i mean try to make them gap on, and an actualy hop. That way, more people are intimidated and it scares the crap out of them. PARK PASS!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! Resurface all boxes, there bubbles. Make the jumps, farther back, meaning bigger gaps. you can get soooo much speed, and there was nothing you can do, because they were small, you could overclear the landings SOOO EASILY. i cannot count how many times i did that. Like i said, make a his and hers, so someone that isn't too good, can still hit the smaller one. make MORE JUMPS. more variety. You can easily through two NICE JUMPS on the first plateau with the DFD. its a REALLLY NICE long landing. PLEASE make this the good jump this year, as last year, sadly, the tabletop was better, but because its a table top, everyone rolls over it. PARK CREW!!!!!!!!! you need it. you can't do without it. We need to keep the kids who can't even ski, out of the park. im not talking the kids who are trying boxes and suck, i mean the kids on leashs and teh kids whos no more than 3 feet, pizza down the whole trail
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMESE%3AIT&rd=1 there on ebay.
  18. hopefully thats me by the end of this season. and nah man, i need to get some new boots. i got a sweet deal on some SL-8's so i gotta make a decent amount of money. I'll probably end up just putting them on ebay once i recieve them back from burton. That always seams like the best bet. and about the 2 year old ones on ebay, yeah as you said, there 2 years old. Brand new or not, there still missing some tech features and such. that and the "steeze Factor" hahahaha fresh new gear is always good ya know? also the 2006 are selling for 220 and up. I'll post the link if i end up selling them on ebay.
  19. freee??? nah im good. im not looking to give these away or a price that would be considering "giving them away"
  20. THERE ON EBAY!!!!!! just click the above link!
  21. how much would you pay for them??
  22. hey whats up? I got a pair of brand new 2006 Burton Sabbaths, size 11 in Brown. There sooo sick looking. Im getting these back from a warentee from my sabbaths last year and i decided, I think i might upgrade. Im getting the SL-8 so i gotta sell these first. pm or just reply to the topic. or email. They are brand new, never ridden. carlo1170@hotmail.com
  23. haha yeah but i think by far a jungle bass rap goes best with snowboarding..as you can tell by the old school videos such as true life and technical difficulties haha..awesome stuff and soem of those wierd electronica/indie songs go really good. as seen in much of this years videos..
  24. hahaha yeah exactly
  25. im not dissin the park crew.. but it completely sucks man..allt he rails are blind going up to them. its not the park crews fault..tahts the groomer.. but yeah i dont think boulders park is better than shawnee..i mean..yeah they did mess up a few things..but overall i think its much better and more flow.. as soon as stuff is setup right, it will be good.. yeah it really sucks too because..there was a park meeting when they were reconstructing the park. and all my friends set it up soo perfectly..and some kid was up there with them while building and put everything elsewhere..it should be much better than it is, but someone messed it up.. haha and its funny, how a kid whos expierienced..let them put a rail in backwards..CMON!
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