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Everything posted by xkinkrider03x

  1. dont get your hopes up. wayyy to much crap is said and nothing ever happened. although ive heard since last year now, that the rails will be moved and the rhodo will be a more advanced park. although that wouldnt do much because they have nothing 'advanced' at camelback. they need to get some real rails. and its impossible for gaps to rails because theres no rails to gap onto. t heres a battle ship, which is meant to be ride on and the same thing goes for hippo and rainbow. not even worth it. and i know damn well camelback will not spend more money on rails considering theres absolutely no room for them. they will not make a new park run either. if you want a good park, go somewhere else, dont expect it outa cb. the only gaps possible would be boxes, but its not even worth it because neither of the boxes are big, in height, so it wouldnt be much different anyways. gaps dont mean crap, especially with the stuff cb has, so dont raise the hopes.
  2. thats really good. what about in the case of triple play and season pass holders? EDIT: where did you get this info from? its no where on there site
  3. yeah but the small one isnt even that fun they aalso need to learn to set up boxes.
  4. oh man you guys seem to be pretty picky here.. first off, all that stuff they say there getting, there not making, its all professionally made and btw, there getting more than what is said. and dont get me wrong gaping that, thats insane, but personally i dont like stuff like that. and im sure some people may agree with me that its not really a rail you can really progess on too much. There is nothing there that is similar to learn your tricks on so yeah, you have to go balls out. But in my own opinion, i think hitting a standard 40 foot down rail doing a nosepress is sicker than doing that.. I guess you can just say im more of a street oriented person, because i dont really enjoy all that insane, stuck in the park, kinda stuff. oh yeah and btw, i had hit the titantic and did it perfectly 1st try. so yeah. no bashing if you don't know. boulder talks about getting all this new stuff also, id really like to see where all this stuff is going to be, the run is wayyy to small to put anything else in, the crap is too close as it is. you can't hit everything in a run, the park really isn't too flow. but they have no room for a wallride and such that they talk about unless they open another run to parks. i dont really mind what there getting. because shawnee is only a mountain that i look to go and have a good time. and just mess around and such. All im looking for is a local mountain wiht a good park. and boulder is 20 min further than camelback, and camelback is 20 min from my house. Shawnee is 20 min so its either cb or shawnee. and cb's parks clearly suck. boulder is not really an option for me. its just really a weekday mountain. on the weekends i go up to creek, its not a bad drive, only an hour, and its worth every bit of it. Nothing can compare to there parks, and there is always new things, everytime you go. by saying sunday river built there park doesnt mean im expecting one. I BY FAR, do not expect a sunday river. cant happen. im just syaing, there is a mountain who has much expierience in parks, and has one of the best, building a park at a little PA mountain. its not gonna be that bad. and its not a super park either..hahaha i laughed when i saw that. they are just exagerating, they say super park because its new, they have a lot bigger shit, and a lot more of it. about the pipes.. yeahhh maybe if bb knew what they were doing, they would have a pipe, maybe this year they'll actually cut it on time. its no ones fault but theres, it should have been cut. and there will more jumps then the 3 they made out of dirt. they want tehre park open early, what can i say.
  5. the titanic is soooo gay.. boulders rails arent even that great. there really generic rails, nothing is original. A rail as big as the titanic and way its setup is just gay.. it really takes no skill, it takes speed. and rails like that, take the fun out of cuz you ahve to go mach 10 into it and its just toooo much thinking. I went there a couple times and i mean its nice..but the run takes 3 secs to get down and 20 min back up. its not even worth it. if you want to compare, compare to creek cuz nothing can beat that. As named by Transworld " number 1 in jib and jib variety" I can clearly say and will put money on it. that shawnees park will wreck boulders. they should get a pipe first then talk. not a 100 foot long bank. and if you guys ahvent realized. that pic of the multi jumps.. is the landing. you can see that is going downhill. They are actually going to be booters. Also, the spine. Alright guys. A spine in skiing and snowboarding. is not like a spine in biking or skateboarding. A spine in snow is a 2 sides hip. inwhich that is. just to clear some things up. because if you guys can have fun clearing over the 2 foot deck like that..man you guys need to learn some stuff. so yeah. a spine= a 2 sided hip. About the pipe. i work there in the summer. and i was up there during construction..that picture looks pretty weak. but those walls are atleast 8-10 feet deep. that was like the frist day..and yes its pretty wide. they want 13-15 foot walls of snow. believe me, they know what there doing. Sunday river of Maine trained them with the snowcats over the summer.
  6. btw to the loft bashers..oh man you must talk to the wrong people. cuz everyone up stairs knows there shit.. go its a great shop and its all snowboarders..and you can relate, easy to talk to its pretty nice.. probably my favorite shop haha besides I now know everyone there hah.
  7. hahaha you need wayyyyyyy to much hahaha.. go with these boards: Burton: Uninc, Custom, Jussi (alittle stiffer but easily jibbed and great on kickers and pipes..anyboard thats good for kickers is awesome for freeride) Jussi is your best bet man Or; Ride: Prophet..reallly nice board for everything..its a big kicker board but easy and sweet on rails and awesome in pipe..its alittle on the middle of the flex scale. if you have the money. if you have any questions PM or something i know my stuff.
  8. Loft no doubt. not ridiculous prices. its all good.
  9. well guys as someone who worked there over the summer.. I was into this alot.. Therewebsite says it all.. Oh yes and also. I walked up a few times to check out the stuff and the jumps are really nice. There not the typical shawnee jump.. There actually Booters.. and there pretty nice. and the pipe looks great. They had people from maine, sunday river was the mountain. and they came and helped with the construction of the park. If you have seen or heard about sunday river you know this will be good. But from first hand expieriences and actually SEEING the stuff. yes it will be sick. oh yes.. and also. The end will be where Most of the rails are.. i think running along side of the run there are a few..but its going to be on more of a flat scale, but with a gentle slope where all the rails are. Its a perfect place because there all in one place and if you dont feel like hitting the whole ru n again..its not a pain in the ass to hike at all.
  10. hey man.. there 160 or 170 new.. you want em? make an offer
  11. Hey guys i got a brand new pair of Northwave Freedoms. 2005 models. Never used. they should be coming in soon. I got better boots so im lookin to sell these. make an offer. There new size 11 1/2. I dont know weather the freedoms come in 2 colors this year or not but i can only find pics of one color..which i think they only come in. but is the pic i found. they are never used. need to sell.
  12. yeah i still have em. offer me
  13. see going to blue would be a problem.because i live in Stroudsburg. in the middle of liek CB, Alpine and Shawnee. and those mountains suck. the next closest is jackfrost which is about 25 min PAST cb..but my weekend mountain this year is creek.
  14. well for one. Park crew is hired every year. so they arent EVER informed..there is no permanant park crew. you must re apply every day. And that post about 'what the heck is jib tech' its because THEY ARE NOT INFORMED. ever. if you realize this it would make sense. one does not know because he is not told. because as of now he is not a camelback ski area employee get where im going? but yeah i doubt it. but it'd be cool. but yeah that rumor shit..it always happens.. also we really dont care, but when its the closest/best riding mountain around here we'd like to keep a balance.
  15. a friend just informed me JiB Technologies will come in and improve the parks?? anyone know of this for sure/talk around actual camelback.. I really dont believe it, but maybe someone knows..I HIGHLY doubt it. cuz CB wouldnt do it. I reallllllllllly dont believe this..but if anyone knows any facts.. im just curious. but i highly doubt this
  16. Why is the season pass price raised. Are they planning on expanding/improving or giving us some priveledges in which we dont have.Ive bought a season pass for about 4-5 years now. And why would they bring them up. I think they should have a Buddy pass system like every mountain around here and/or give discounts for previous season pass holders. theyre better be something more for us!
  17. thats the groomers not park crew jib
  18. hey people..scratch the price..im taking open offers..but no bull shit.you know what i mean. theyre used once..180 new. plus tax. so make it a sensable offer
  19. alright cool. I just rode them once..so theres nothing wrong..little scratches maybe..but nothing more
  20. I dont have an actual pick because i dont have a dig. camera. But ill post the pic from a site. Ill try to borrow a dig camera from a friend or something
  21. I bought a burton code and these bindings had to come with it in order to get the good deal. They were only used a couple times. No wear and tear at all..asking 160. let me know..or make an offer.
  22. yeah its on theyre property. but show me where it states that my lock cant be there overnight? I had called guest services and security. They both said this shouldnt be done and they think it is maintenance. Theyre not supposed to do this They dont have the permission. and besides. it doesnt give the right to an employee to cut locks. oh and yeah. those retractable locks are peices of crap. if you twist them they break. its the worst lock to have.
  23. Maintenance or security or someone makes clean sweeps of locks being left there. i had moved my lock cuz security said i couldnt have it on the handicap ramp and moved it to the loft window rack..and it was cut. ALL LOCKS WERE CUT..do you see any fucking signs??!?!!? no i dont think so.. What is this.. i had a Crazy expensive lock..it was a hardened steel CHAIN and a brass lock. its expensive.and they go and cut locks?!?! Why would they do that?One night they made a clean sweep cuz all my friends' locks were gone also. what the hell is this?!?! Im pissed off. Why?!!?! they should atleast have a sign " DO NOT LEAVE LOCKS" but no they dont. Anyone else have this happen? happened to me last year also..on my 3rd lock. Next time maybe cb should pay for it. Fuckin assholes
  24. the jumps are good...i think they could be better.but for cb..its a good thing..The park is alot of fun..and the gaps arent 5 feet. the booter is atleast 30.taht ones fun..and the kink box. its fun..altho could have a gap to it
  25. thats what the bandanas are about
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