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Everything posted by BCBSNOBBSkier
My friends and I plan to go up to killington for an extended weekend trip. We are taking the train up and will get to rutland around 11:30 at night. Does nayone know if we can get transportation from rutland to killington that late at night? Also, if there is one of us who is eighteen, will we be able to rent a condo if we pay ahead of time with an adults credit card? Thanks for any help!
I reallllllly want to go to mountain creek, badly. I don't know why, it just seems like a really cool place to go. Has there been any improvement this season? Are the people still rude, and conditions terrible. Are the black diamonds really flat? Is it like camelback crowded or even worse? Thanks for any info. It just seems like the closest thing to a "real mountain" that we can get around hear. Thanks.
lol the fall line is the same across the entiiirrrreee mountain.
I spent Saturday at CB. We Pulled in at eleven to find almost all of the parking full, so we unloaded everything and journeyed out to find a parking spot, we found one in the lowest lot. When we finally got out the liftlines were huge, all four of us got so irritated that we just rode in the singles line every time. Everyone seems to misload in the poconos, everyother chair goes up empty. The conditions were fairly icy and very crowded but enjoyable. There was a little powder over most of it. The black diamonds were all very icy unless you skiied right through the soft moguls in the middle. Cliffhanger had nice sugary lumps all over the trail, it was pretty nice, fairly fast conditions for such hot weather. Does anyone else find that all of CB's diamonds are all cookie cooker steep drops, no turn trails? They all seem the same to me. Anyway im trying to convince my friends to go to Sno next, I love it there, no lines or idiots clogging up the trail, anyway it was a nice day overall. It was a major let down after spending 3 days at smuggs right after it got dumped on....
Its only supposed to get up to forty now so it shouldn't really be a problem. Oh theres some weird slopestlye thing happening, is this gonna make it really crowded?
I have school, and therefor no time to go up during the week. Ive been there on saturdays before, I can live with waiting ten minutes for a high speed lift....
Its supposed to be like 50 degrees in tannersville on saturday when I plan to ski camelback. Do you think I should re-schedule my trip due to the temps? Thanks
Ugh ski patrol always leaves it bumped up for practice on white around this time of year so they can practice under the hardest conditons. They did it too me last year....wasnt the greatest experience ever.
I just went there today for the first time. It was such a cool, and strange little place. It was actually bigger than I expected, a pleasant surprise. However I was upset to find that two of the blue squares where really just connecting trails that where really thin. The black diamonds werent open, but they looked kinda fun. The lodge was so strange, its like old and creepy, but nostalgic. Does anyone have any info on the situation with the taxes buckman was supposed to pay but didnt? I heard about it but didn't find anymore about it. Oh and spring needs more snowmaking power. The greens and blues where barely covered, and the diamonds had NOTHING! conditions on the rest of the mountain where packed powder/ spring like. O and they had two nicely formed jumps and a half filled sloppy half pipe. Oh and the lifts werent that slow, they where pretty much the same speed as all regular fixed grip lifts. Overall the place was pretty cool, a fun place to mess around.
Just out of curiosity can they even blow snow on easy street? Has anyone even ever been on it. Whenever I go there is tape all the way along highball preventing you from getting on.
Has anyone hear heard about the Harakiri, the steepest piste? Heres a pic Harakiri Just out of curiosity does anyone know what those fence things next to the trail are?
Dream weaver is on the new Blue Mountain trail map! Only thing is the trail on top is still marked under construction. So how do you get to the bottom?
So hunter seems to be coming out ahead, how do you define intermediate, pocono intermediates or like, real intermediate....?
It was but my ride will agreed to drive me just a little furthur so now im trying to decide between these 2
Thanks, Hunter seems almost a little....Mountain Creekish, where Windham kinda sounds like a big version of Sno, with quick lifts.
I can't decide to go to Hunter or Windham. Windham has more acreage but fewer trails. Windham has 2 high speed lifts, hunter has one. Hunter seems to have only one part of the mountain with 1,600 vertical, Windham seems to have more consistent vertical. I have also heard better things about Windham, lesss crowds and such. Is there any reason to go to Hunter and not Windham?
Ugh this is a hard decision. Ive never skiied cliffhanger, is it harder than Smoke, Boomer, or white lightning?
I am thinking of taking a trip to Mountain Creek. Is it really as bad as everyone says it is? Is it really a snowboarder controlled, rude person filled mountain with ice all over? Are the black diamonds challenging and is there enough to do without doing terrain parks? Is the whole third mountain always totally terrain parks or was that just for last year? Please fill me in.
I can only go to one mountain this year. Should I go to Sno or Camelback? Sno has slow lifts, camelback has fast. Sno has a glade, Camelback does not. Sno has more black and double black Diamond trails. Which mountain do you think has a greater payoff? In your opinion which is a more difficut mountain overall? Sno or camelback? Thanks for any feedback.
Does Camelback have any moguls? Which trails are they on? Are they actually any good. The only place I know that has consistent moguls is Sno on Smoke and White Lightning. Thats the only reason Sno is better in my book. If camelback has moguls they get a higher rating
What channel is trutv for directv? Does anyone know?
Are they ever gonna pull through?
BCBSNOBBSkier replied to BCBSNOBBSkier's topic in Montage Mountain
Well this offiacially sucks. They have great skiing..... if only they could get some lifts that get you to the top of the mountain and get the waterpark they promised opened so they wouldnt go bankrupt.... -
Sno promised a nes lift for 07-08..... did i miss something cause i didnt see any new lifts this season???????????? is this ever gonna happen?
Penguins are better than a moose.....
Maybe they would actually bring enugh people in to fill the nice big lodge...... and i think my pole covers everything but feel free to poke holes in it but plz be specific. and a high speed is definately needed...... id like to be selfish and put it on the double diamond trails.... but wait thad be better. No one actually uses lng haul because you need to be able to ski black diamnds to use it. And a high speed lift on the doulbe diamonds would allow access to the black diamonds too.....