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    Board-07/08 Burton X8 Binding-08/09 Cartels Boots-08/09 Ozones
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    Big Boulder

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Burton Custom X 152 Snowboard Brand New Never used MSRP $650 asking $550 obo send PM or email to dggoodmn@gmail.com for pics Thanks.
  2. Medium Analog Asset Jacket Great Shape $90 obo Shipped Large Burton Cargo Pants I think, SIZZURP! lol $40 shipped obo PM or email me at dggoodmn@gmail.com Thanks!
  3. Ive been here for awhile, but thanks.
  4. Lol maybe I just coped you pic, and saved it to my phone but I was there lol
  5. Um maybe we were standing next to each other cause I have the same photo posted to my facebook from my phone, and its still on my phone....
  6. Hey I took that picture WTF? That was on a Sunday, Dec 6th though so hopefully its less crowded, I doubt it though.
  7. Im down like a fat kid on a see-saw. + 1 friend.
  8. yea i posted it in the roll call
  9. just got word from Ian on the setup, 1.Mailbox 2.Double Barrel 3.flat box 4.redbull wall ride.
  10. I hope we are the only 2, I love hot dogs!
  11. Thought I would start this up! Im Going.
  12. well if you email ian you would of gotten a reply but its also on the jfbb.com home page, I'll be there!
  13. Ok i just emailed him, every one should do the same!
  14. Does any one know if boulder has any rails out that we could hike?
  15. I wanna see this sh*t in action!
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