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Everything posted by brian223r09

  1. 50 as of the loki slopestyle.. johnny. me. unknown. speed isnt really a problem like everyone is saying? i overshot this by a lot and landed on my face even though i hit the rainbox before it i liked the jumps but i wish the actual jump was a little longer. they are really short jumps in comparison to boulder which are a alot smoother and dont kick you wierd of the lip.
  2. does anyone know anything about the set up or divisions?
  3. What about electric or explosive fences? That might be Elk's next step
  4. Big Boulders park has really impressed me in the past year or two. They have done so much to progress PA parks so why would they stop, I hope its year 2 of a 25 year plan. I'm thinking of heading down to boulder tomorrow night but I'm hearing rain so maybe not. Here's a short edit I made of some jibs @ Boulder. Bad video quality unfortunately. http://www.vimeo.com/757655 Enjoy
  5. Why does this happen everynight?
  6. Besides the argument #35,943,793, a 20 foot tabletop is not suitable for a PRO COMPETITION! 35 foot is pushing it...
  7. ...or the park, or the friendly staff, or the trees.. But Hey! they are the "big & friendly"
  8. The entire Elk staff deserves a tv show..maybe a cage match would be nice. Oh don't you dare build a jump at elk. Even the Ski Instructors with 0 authority will tell you off for that.
  9. ooooooo pretty..
  10. Ok, I'll be sure to wear camo next time. I do not give the patrollers attitude. They catch you in the woods and your tickets gone it does not matter what you say to them. Numerous season passes have been taken and employees fired also in the past month for glades and inverts also.
  11. I'm not saying there aren't good glades at Elk, it's just going through the glades without losing your ticket is the trick...ski patrollers troll in hope of ending someones fun powder day in the woods.
  12. It is a real nice pipe and all, but it could be a bit steeper Props to Sno for having a pipe actually two, open though.
  13. We will say Elk is not #1 on my list anymore and we carpool. I usually make it to Boulder 2-3 times a week, I dont know what the evens out to total days. /Hate may be a harsh word..strongly disapprove maybe. haha
  14. I live about 3 minutes away from Elk. I've ridden there since I was 6, trust me its near impossible to get away with woods anymore. As for Parks at Big Boulder what's wrong with them?
  15. ..woods at elk? good luck
  16. Rossi Big Mountain Jeremy Jones and Freestyle Burton Jeremy Jones are not the same person haha.
  17. Anyone going to the Red Bull One Hit Wonder tonight?
  18. Unfortunately, the course looks nothing like that. I'm pretty sure thats the Chevy Grand Prix course also which is the big brother of the Revolution Tour.
  19. course goes like this, 1st hit- Flat/Down Box or Handrail 2nd hit- Terrible 20 roller/jump 3nd Urban stair set, Whale Tail, Flat Bar 4th SuperPipe it looks like they were building a Hip off the side of the Superpipe but it dont know /they might be building more features along the side of the pipe but it didnt look like it yesterday
  20. Sarcasm...lol I wouldn't call that thing in Sno's park today a jump but I will point out the 100 pissed off kids from Vermont that came down to ride in the Chevy Revolution Tour only to find a terrible pipe and a roller for a cheese wedge, and what exactly does Sno use for plexi is kind of slides like sandpaper.
  21. I dont know Sno is pretty ill, I was there this morning and the course for the chevy rev tour is tight. What like a 20 foot step up for what is suppose to be one of the biggest am slopestyles on the east coast? And you are comparing Sno to Big Boulder? Give me a break your a joke.
  22. because im a stalker? nevermind man haha.
  23. I was just curious why you seem to hate everything about big boulder and the "haters" that come from there.
  24. why do you hate on boulder so much?
  25. does anyone know where to find the 5 billion pictures taken during the rail jam?
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