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Everything posted by bcboarder2

  1. there def should be an age limit to ride the park or you have to pass a skill test to be allowed to ride in it. it is ridiculous to have to stop suddenly or dive out of the way to not hit those little kids.
  2. my b
  3. should i stay on my heels? wat do you mean by popping off your heels?
  4. my b
  5. is Timberland really getting changed to a terrain park? of anyone knows the truth tell me and if you know when it might be finished that would be great to.
  6. iight thanks b ill try that
  7. if anyone has any tips on how to 360 just give them to me im so close but i need any pointers i can have Thanks
  8. also because most people just 50 50 them and they think they are good and cause they are too afraid of gettin air
  9. ok thanks
  10. How much will it affect me if my base is higher than my tips. I ride park most of the time if that helps. Also any ideas on how to fix/prevent that. Please help
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