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n00b (1/10)

  1. from the sound of things the "great environment" you speak of doesnt even sound so great. constant harrasment by know-it-alls on the INTERNET doesnt sound great to me. what an EXCELLENT place to exagerate your opinions. a place where thousands of people have the potential to come on here and make inaccurate judgements on how things are, and done at bear just by what a couple of 14 year old kids say. on top of harrasment they say they have to hike up every morning. sure they signed up for the job and thats what the job entails but at least give them a mode of transportation. 7AM + 45mins to hike to the top = 1 hour and 15 minutes to get 3 parks done. what an inefficient use of machinery considering the past 3 weekends in a row i've been there i've seen 2 dangerously close calls with guys on snowmobiles @ PEAK hours!!! thats just not safe. i've watched on here for weeks how people rant and rave about park crew and i picked now to put my few cents in because its getting out of hand. some people make some legitimate points and suggestions. some might be simple but some sound like they aren't even in park crews control much less be done while the season is going on. everyone wants to complain but no one wants to step up and thank the people who work so here i go...... THANK YOU BC park crew for making tonight one of the best nights of the season. when i got there tonight there were probably 6 or 7 different people fixing things all over the park which made for one hell of a time riding. END FEW CENTS P.S. It's because i just ate cheesecake.......
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