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Everything posted by jamielynne611

  1. anybody REALLY good at photoshop?
  2. I cannot believe this thread. IT is RIDICULOUS that someone would dig up dirt on Mr. Carlson. It really has nothing to do with Montage/Sno Mtn. Do any of you (besides ski, adam) really even KNOW the Carlson's or the Ford's? I've been a member of para and ussa for longer than a certain someone has been into skiing (and nastar)...and i can say that both the Ford's and the Carlson's are the perfect picture of two families who geniunely enjoy the sport. All of their kids rac and 2 are still actively involved. Maybe they're investing in Montage because of some new trashmouth who has moved into their home mountain.
  3. denton... we had pa cups there...(remember '999 and adam?) the hill is so short that they made us hike up into the woods because ussa requires a minimum course length for slalom. plus there is like no lodge, we ate lunch in the garage with the snow guns and the cats....plus its a state park so no alcohol.. potter county..."god's country" for every person there are like 4 snowmobiles
  4. compare the second pic to the third, he has much better hand positioning in the second one, which contributes to a strronger outside leg...while the inside hand goes down, the body elongates and the outside leg washes out. also, since you mentioned this was all the same gate, encourage him to do things to change his line during training...like tweak it up the hill more or tighten it up on his second time thru the course. even with rough conditions, line at his level wins the race almost everytime.
  5. Billy Kaplan works out of Langhorne Ski Shops outside of Philly and he is SICK...ground my 150 flex down to like a 125 and can check your alignment, grind out your problem spots, all that... truly a great technician 800.283.2370 or cantman@speakeasy.net
  6. im really not trying to stir up drama, but i love bode...i think he's an amazing skiier, (granted he's a kid and makes stupid decisions, says stupid things, and embarasses himself)...let's give him a little credit....here's a great article... http://www.boston.com/sports/nesn/wilbur/s...less/index.html
  7. so i thought that y'all would like to follow some new england college racers... look for some former pa kids in these results... me and tyler for bu, jeff mapes for holy cross nicole kondeliza (former 3 time? gov cup winner) for gmc-Formerly...kicked out last week for plagarism http://users.wpi.edu/~skiteam/WPIWebPage/R...results2006.htm for all college bound seniors: club teams are the way to go! we have so much fun and we kill the other kids!
  8. awesome job guys... i discovered this link that posts the times faster that ussa for the thompson division...check it out if the results aren't up yet its http://www.live-timing.com/ and it shows all the races for that day all over the country.
  9. back to pa cups... bottom line is that in order to make the state team you SHOULD race all seven races. state team gets street cred. with college teams and helps you qualify for low-point events...plus it's easier on gas PA CUPS ARE FUN ADAM!!
  10. smack him around? why?? that's awesome!! he can get garbagefaced the night before and still get his $h%t together to win world cups. round of applause... coming from a 17 yr old, i may have a biased opinion, but still we kinda have to remember that Bode is really JUST A KID. He's in his twenties, in Europe, on a huge RV, living virtually for free...who wouldn't want to party? Give credit where it's due...BOde kicks ass and we need more skiers like him and less like the tighta$$es on the world cup, i mean the austrians...
  11. Bode wants to start a new circut because he knows that he's gonna top out eventually...look at Picabo. At Salt Lake in 2002, only 8 yrs after her glory days, every one was begging her to retire. Now you rarely even see her anywhere (except celebrity poker once in a while). There is no money in ski racing. There is little public interest, little TV coverage, and little funding. I guess Bode is pushing his own thing in order to revamp the racing part of skiing, (as opposed to freestyle.) But whoever said it is so right, no one wants to see him race himself, or prance around the slopes like a Harlem Trotter or whatever. What he really should do, if he was smart, would be to win the Olympics, get all these promos, and then retire before he starts to suck. He could coach for big bucks for the rest of his life almost anywhere he wanted, regardless of the fact that his technique sucks. And he wouldn't need his high school diploma, which he never received from CVA. And if Bode does launch his solo career, he does have one thing going for him...he's super hot!!...and he can ski good sometimes.
  12. jamielynne611


    haha...i have to tell myself this all the time too!! haha
  13. LOG FLUME AT CBACK?!?! HELL YEA!!! i love log flumes~!! especially when you stand on like the bridge and get all wet...so much fun gotta love camelback...plenty of fun year round
  14. omg!! I like saw this Fast chick forum...but had no idea y'all we talking about me..(i was like i wanna meet this grll haha) poor results on friday..you can ask adam about my panic attack in the start gate..it's a scary place sometimes, lol yea, but thank you all for all your support for the latter part of the season...i'm really gonna miss skiing and racing in PA see you all at Camelback!!
  15. jamielynne611


    have you seen the MEN he races with? Blaidsdale, Randi, Gibb has like ten points...get off me i wish we had girls like them cuz then my points wouldnt suck out lound like they do
  16. yea ask adam about his friend DAnielle....they were joined at the hip ALL WEEKENDDD!!! shes really cute tho..haha
  17. hey!! i been a camper out at mt. hood summer ski camps for 3yrs, a worker for two...what camp would you be thinking about going to? my friend Jason lives out in Mammoth Lakes currently, I think on Manzanita street? does that look right? look for him and his retard friend Hinney, they're funny guys see you at cback..or maybe hood!
  18. jamielynne611


    adam you had such an awesome weekend!! all of you guys cheering for him "in spirit" missed out... he really did fantabulous!! but there's always next year...
  19. yea i like mtn creek..they have a really nice race hill..haha im sure its like a hundred times better when there's snow on it tho...those days in december we didnt need skis, we need a weed wacker to make it over the headwall.
  20. wasn't he wearing a motocross helmet...isn't that why they couldn't save him. his neck like snapped right when he hit the tree.
  21. yea I'm Jamie... Do you think only the six of you guys made it? Gus said he'd try to get Mike March and Sean discretionary spots...I wish more of our boys made it. Good job Adam! Missy we'll miss you out there.
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