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Everything posted by bigdaddyk

  1. Exhibition and East Mt. had the best snow, on Sat. Lehigh was kind of weird, with groomer ridges down the left side.
  2. Out of all of the trails, that is my favorite one. For as cold as the winter was, this has been a horrible month for temps and rain.
  3. Frozen granular or sugar (or like some people call it...sweet n low). Chalky powder were refer to freshly blown snow.
  4. Just checked the cam and they are blowing.
  5. Conditions were nice, first thing in the morning. Solid groomed cord and it actually felt cold out. The snow flurries were also a nice change, from rain. I was hoping to get out Friday morning, but my shift changed, so if I do get out, it will be to BB...late .
  6. JF is done blowing for the year, from what I've heard. Some spots are getting thin, but they do have a decent amount of snow, if they have to push it around. They covered up the rock, on Rivershot.
  7. Saturday and Sunday should be nice. Conditions on 3-12 were really good. Nice and white again...brown dirt disappearing.
  8. So far, CB and Sno are the only two that I have seen that plan on making snow. I haven't seen anything about Blue...they used to make snow until the end.
  9. Be carefull on Rivershot, the infamous stone has popped through on the first headwall.
  10. . It's getting thin.
  11. I've skied other places, then JF on the same day. The snow is drier and doesn't have as much water content at JF, as other places. The snow seems to be heavier, at other places than JF (except for Elk). I'm sure the colder temps and fan guns have something to do with it (along with the cold water from the Lehigh).
  12. ok
  13. I'm assuming that Tele-Ben was the patroller that I saw skiing switch, on tele's. He was carving better going backwards than a lot of people can do skiing regularly.
  14. What's your grudge with JFBB? There were probably also plenty of tickets that were sold at regular price. In the afternoon.
  15. I also heard that some places are allowing you to ski the rest of this year, without having to buy a lift ticket, if you purchase an 08/09 pass, before the end of the year.
  16. Multiply $9 x the amount of tickets they sold and it is still a lot of money.
  17. If you like crowds, you should have went today >> http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry229848
  18. I left CB, after some morning runs, and thought that I would stop in at JF, to see what was going on. After turning off of 940 onto Jack Frost Mt. road, only 2/10 or 3/10 of a mile, there was already a line of cars parked on the left hand side of the road . I've heard stories about cars being parked out to the red light, but had a hard time believing it, until today. I about shit myself, because I've always avoided the place on WMMR day, but was curious to see the carboard box races. People were walking in ski boots and had over a 1.5 mile walk to go, on just the access road...that's nuts ( I can also imagine what the bottom of the boots would look like). Cars were also parked on both sides of the road, that goes up to the golf course. Needless to say, I found a place to turn around and get out of there, since I already had my runs in for the day. The cash registers are probably going to burn out, after today.
  19. I wear a helmet, so that wasn't me.
  20. Wise move for that trail. I have a feeling there would be a lot of collisions, if it was groomed, due to tioga cutting across.
  21. I went today and had no problem, with the comp pass. I figured I would stop in, to see if it actually did start and it did. Not sure who I talked to the other day. I would assume that the word did not get around to them. I didn't see it anywhere on the website, other than the myspace bulletin, unless if I am just missing it. Anyway, its a hell of a promotion and I applaud them for doing it again .
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