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Everything posted by bigdaddyk

  1. I had mine taken at JF, you don't HAVE to send one in, they can still do it. I think the reason they changed was because of the card being used as a credit card, and so it will be easier to take off. The clips seem like they will hold...it almost seems like it would take something weird to get it to open to the point that it falls off. I got a VIP pass, so I might get a plastic cover for mine, since I have to wear it, and I don't want the magnetic strip to get all scratched up.
  2. I heard that this is the last year for the snowmobile races because it is the end of the contract. That's not an entire view of the mountain. There is more terrain to the right. The snowmaking system at both JF and BB is probably the best in the area, now. Be prepared for blizzard and white out conditions, if they have the fans going while they are open. I skied on boulder park last year, when they were blowing, and it was unbelievable. Here's a link to pics I took on March 7, 2006. The pic shows how much snow was still left, that late in the season: http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...post&id=767
  3. First flash object on the top of the page and under "announcements" on the lower left of the page: http://jfbb.com/home.asp
  4. Dec. 9 @ 8 am
  5. Damn, you beat me by 3 minutes
  6. JFBB posted the opening dates on their homepage : Tues Dec 5 @ 3pm for BB and Sat. Dec. 9 @ 9am. I'll be at BB on Wednesday. Have to work Tuesday . http://jfbb.com/home.asp
  7. Hopefully, just about everybody should.
  8. From JF's conditions page: "We will be firing up our snowmaking this weekend.Shooting for beginner thru expert terrain open for Saturday Dec.9th. We will keep you posted as we get closer."
  9. Cat tracks were one of the best purchases I made for my boots. The soles of the boots looked brand new, after last season. Also, I think they have better traction on snow/ ice than regular boot soles. I don't have any problems getting them folded and in my pocket...just make sure to put them in some type of plastic bag so the water doesn't soak your pocket.
  10. They have enough at both mts. to get both of them open by next weekend.
  11. The new system is good enough that they could be open in 3 days.
  12. Where's everybody getting the info that they are opening on Tuesday?
  13. bigdaddyk

    ROADDDDD Trip!

    Elk's been doing a lousy job at updating their website, so far.
  14. It's possible that they could open Monday with a couple trails. They blew a lot of snow in two days for the rail jam, but the warm temps and rain melted a lot of it.
  15. New England is supposed to get the snow, as usual
  16. If it were me, I'd get them checked with the new boots. It would also put you at ease and you won't always be wondering, which might affect your enjoyment of skiing. But I'm anal like that.
  17. If Blue will open next weekend, BB definately will. Remember, it's colder at BB and they already started to make snow and would have continued, if it didn't warm up. Their website on JF's conditions page says they are pushing for the 9th. Saturday night should be the re-start of snowmaking for JF and BB. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ See above Link: http://www.jfbb.com/winter-jf-trail-maps.aspx
  18. I think this is a cool pic with the white out conditions in the distance. http://www.jfbb.com/terrain-parks/download...Item.ashx?id=36
  19. I've also emailed them and never got replys.
  20. I like checking it out to see what Brittney Spears has been up to
  21. Anybody know if they will be open mid week. I might go Wednesday, if they are.
  22. Traditionally, that's the way it has been
  23. Right now they do, but that could change by Friday. At least they tried, that's more than most places would do.
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