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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Funny I was commenting to Smartass yesterday how nice the paved parking lots are. You don't get mud all over your boots and in your car. The music rocks. Last time I was there before yesterday I think they were rocking a 90's station on the satellite radio.
  2. Just in case you were planning to head up there today. I guess this means they're closed today.
  3. sorry. I had to.
  4. We missed you at CB today man.
  5. Try clearing your cookies. I did that and it's loading now.
  6. Fixed...sorry
  7. I think I got confused and said Ski Freak instead of Johnny Style...my apologies
  8. Wow I'm the first one home. I guess I'll start the TR thread. Today was a really fun day at Camelback with the PASR crew. I rolled into the lot with Smartass around 9:50 or so. We got our tickets and decided to make a run on the west side so we hit Margies then made our way over to the Stevenson where we immediately ran into Grlled Steeze and Atomic Skier. At the top the whole crew was there and we all introduced ourselves and I got to meet a bunch of PASRs I never met before like BigdaddyK, Ride Delaware, Nazareth Skier, Ski Freak and Root. Moe Ghoul was also in the house. (If I mised anyone I apologize). From there we all decided to tackle the steeps on Cliffhanger, then the Terrain Park, Pharoah and Nile Mile. On the way to the lift coming off of Pharaoh. I received a corn snow shower from the spray coming off of Atomic Jeff's skis. I'm jelaous by the way. BigdaddyK had to depart and we then made our way back to the west side via Honeymoon Lane for a little front 4 action starting with The Hump, then Asp, Rocket and Margies. I mentioned Doug's rapping ability to Smartass and Ride Delaware and Doug performed for the group when we got to the top. On the Hump I started to pick up speed and almost ate it a few times because of the ungroomed snow and rollers bouncing me around. But did I learn my lesson? No because on Rocket, I lost it and had one of my worst wipeouts in years. Thank GOD I had my helmet on or else I may not have gotten up. We continued on and I grabbed a picture of some of the group (see below) and hit Margies. Everyone must have bailed after that because it was just Smartass and I left. We made a run on Big Pocono to Dromedary then another on Rocket where I slipped on some ice just before the headwall and as I was trying to get up I slid down the headwall on my side. Despite me being knocked around a bit, today was an awesome day of skiing with the PASR crew. Props to CB. They still have a lot of snow. There was some thin spots but it's 3 days before April who cares. I'm impressed.
  9. See you all there.
  10. I'll try. I have some things to do in the early am.
  11. Sounds good. It takes me about a half hour to get there. By the time I get my ticket, booted up etc. I hope to be up top by 9:30. I may be pushing it a few minutes though.
  12. Move me into the confirmed column. I should be there around 9:30. Where's everyone going to be?
  13. Agreed. PA's snow is similar if not better unless they get a storm, then they have us beat by far. The taller Mts is what makes the drive worthwhile IMO. Ditto. Both times I've skied at Stratton I've never taken to the gondi. The lifts are that good. Sweet pics. Looks like they still have a lot of snow.
  14. And a special shout out to whoever it was who decided to give us the ice cream bars at the pass holders party. Even though I skied it less this season, JF is and will continue to be my home Mt. I'm already looking forward to next season and skiing East and the Elevator with the JF crew.
  15. Nice pics!
  16. I'm definitely a maybe.
  17. Probably I didn't head over to the other side of the Mt. until 6:30.
  18. Cliffhanger was tonight.
  19. Just back from a VERY nice evening at CB. I got my ticket and headed for the Sullivan lift for a run on Margies. The snow was your typical spring surface....ungroomed and soft "mashed potatoes"... sweet! It's a good thing Camelback isn't closing because it would be a shame to waste the crazy amount of snow they still have. Next run I made my way across the Mt to the Stevenson and lapped Pharaoh and Cliffhanger for the next hour or so and found more of the same soft snow. Cliffhanger was awesome tonight. There was some serious spray from carving wide turns on the headwall and it was fun getting air especially at the bottom of the trail. Pharaoh had a thin spot and some of the cross over trails were a bit thin but nothing major at all. I made my way back over to the Sullivan for a few runs on the "front four". Around 6:30 or so the snow was beginning to firm up a little. Margies began to show a little ice, again nothing major. Overall tonight was a top notch spring skiing session. As I mentioned they have a lot of snow and should be fine for next weekend.
  20. Go ahead rub it in.
  21. I found these videos (posted on the Ski ADK forums) of Lookout Below. LB, complete with exposed rock and boulders, is a brand new, steep, narrow bump trail at Whiteface...serious stoke! http://forums.skiadk.com/about2323.html
  22. Light gray pants, grey hoodie jacket. I was the fool without gloves (I forgot them at home). At first it wasn't too bad but by the time I left my hands were practically numb.
  23. Nice TR R2 but, seriously, there wasn't a better comparison for the snow?
  24. Just back from a fun 2 hour session at Big Boulder. I got there around 6pm to clear skies and semi warm temps although dropping (lower 30's when I left). I met up with Smartass was also in the house and we first headed up the Merry Widow lift to Mittl -Weg. The snow is really hard and frozen pretty much everywhere....not the best but it definitely could have been worse. We were hoping for some soft spring snow...never happened. Frozen cord was to be found on all trails with a few ungroomed frozen spots to keep an eye out for. The best thing about the snow is that there is still plenty of it. The base is still huge in spots and there's no thin or bare spots that I noticed. We lapped the Big Boulder chair for a while before calling it a night. Overall not a bad 1st day of spring.
  25. I'm trying for Sunday
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