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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. From looking at those pictures again, I just realized how narrow it is. Unless they widen it, I think hop turns may be in order
  2. I think I still have some thorns stuck in my gloves. Many many thanks. East Mt. is back.
  3. lol...That run better at least be Tuscarora to Iroquois in about 10 inches of Wasatch like powder.
  4. I'm pretty sure that they are, probably more so at the larger resorts (Killington, Stowe etc.) If not and you're looking for a job on the snow, You can always teach for a few extra bucks and free skiing.
  5. I'm a fan of Elk and all but $700? and that's an early season discount.
  6. Right...next time I'll consult the manual before posting. In the mean time, it matters because I don't want the chipped off portions to get any larger.
  7. I got a pretty good deal on a set of Public Enemies on eBay. They're in very good condition (bases are fine). There are a few chips on the top sheets that are annoying me though. They're not a major deal but I know they're there and it bothers me plus I don't want them to chip any more. Anyone have any recommendations / experience for fixing top sheets (epoxy brands, etc.) and method to fix?
  8. And it begins!!!!
  9. Nice stoke! I have a feeling I'll be spending more time in the trees at Frost this season than on the trails.
  10. Sweet photos! Thanks. I love Grand Canyon (and pretty much all of AZ for that matter)
  11. Congrats PC. Enjoy them.
  12. Just when you thought the place couldn't get any better, they go and they add a 60 acre gladed run WF rocks.
  13. BoardinNerd, midweek skiing at JF with no crowds and having the place to yourself, especially in good snow, is as good as it gets in PA.
  14. The weekends in Vermont option, no question. I'm not into the park scene though. Someone who is may have a different answer. If that's your thing it may be worth it to stay local and save the gas / money.
  15. Sleeping in the lot?...at Blue? I don't think any PA resort would know how to react to that. They'll probably see you and make you leave after the lifts close.
  16. Jack Frost - only Mt. in the area that allows and encourages tree skiing, some steep terrain, good snow most of the time, going fast and carving turns on Thunderbolt and Challenge, good folks to ski with, get to take a run before riding a lift, nice views. Elk Mt. - decent vert and sustained pitches on trails like Iroquois, and Mohawk, dedicated Bump Run, lots of great skiers there, great snow most of the time Sno Mt - The North Face, White Lightning. Blue Mt. - good lifts, razors, challenge and sidewinder are as fun as it gets in this part of ski country Camelback - good lift system, free tickets to other Mt pass holders, stays open late, Pharaoh and Cliffhanger Big Boulder - opens early and closes late Whiteface - my new favorite Mt. - ridiculous vertical, steeps, Lake Placid
  17. lol PASR day anyone?
  18. from JFBB.com... 08.26.09 | By chris "Jack Frost Mountain staff under the direction of Mark Daubert have been busy clearing out more glades, adding tower guns, replacing snowmaking pipe, and "elevator" work. Here are some teasers of what has been going on this summer. Riders this coming winter will be treated to glade expansions on Challenge and Jane's Lane. The glade on skier's right of Challenge has been extended to the East Mountain Lift. Jane's Lane has new glades also on skier's right that go to D Lift. The crews have been busy installing 18 30' tower guns on various slopes including Thunderbolt and Exhibition!" This is all good news. The challenge glade sounds like it will be sweet although it already skied down to the lift, just had some rocks and logs to look out for. Jane's glade sounds like it'll be fun too and can't wait for the Elevator.
  19. THANK YOU!!!!
  20. Nice find PC. For $25 he must have beat them up pretty good, still looks like an awesome deal though.
  21. I just love the fact that we're talking about WRODS - The season is near!
  22. Lets us know if you saw any good deals. I was thinking about going tonight, may stop by tomorrow if it's worth it.
  23. Forget my last question. I don't think they make them shorter
  24. Nice PC...I'm Interested do they have anything in a shorter length.
  25. You're not alone
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