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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. It was a little sticky up top but on the actual headwall it was cut up man made powder...good stuff.
  2. Just back from a fun night at CB. I decided to pass up Boulder to take advantage of CB's free ticket for other Mt. pass holders (Thank you Camelback). I got my ticket and hit the Sullivan. On the way up I noticed that they still have a lot of snow with a pretty huge base in some spots. I made my first run on the Asp and found lots of sugar with ice, then over to The Rocket...same thing so I decided to see how it was over on the East side of the Mt. for a few runs on one of my favorite trails at CB ....The Pharaoh. Pharaoh was fun but icy still and Cliffy was more of the same. After making a few laps on both Pharaoh and Cliffhanger I decided to go back over to the west side. On the way over I noticed there was some nice snow on Honeymoon Lane. I made my way up and hit Margies which was where best snow was. Margies was ungroomed (small bumps) with SWEET man made powder...easily the best trail on the Mt. tonight. I lapped the Sullivan for the rest of the night to ski Margies and also made a run down Big Pocono which was also better than the rest of the Mt. Overall not a bad night despite some icy spots. I didn't mind it too much and that will likely be better by tomorrow. Kudos to Camelback for still blowing snow and a pretty deep base. They'll probably go well into April.
  3. I didn't get anything. I found out about it through here. I just asked tonight when I got my lift ticket. Did they mail something?
  4. I'm in for Sunday...I asked at BB tonight and they said you have until Friday to RSVP
  5. Doh! I didn't read about the free lunch thing. I wonder if it's too late.
  6. I thought the lack of snow would have been a bit of a downer but it really didn't bother me. The very upper Mt. had some skiable trees.
  7. Lookout Below IS sick!! It had a alot of snow and the bumps were big but the sides had some exposed rock and dirt.
  8. Hey everyone. Just back from a great weekend of skiing at Lake Placid / Whiteface. This is really long (sorry) and pictures are below Saturday: We hopped on the lake Placid shuttle at 8:30am. By the time we got to the Mt., picked up out tickets and booted up it was around 9:00. We first boarded the Cloudsplitter Gondola to little Whiteface and I made my first run down Excelsior to the base via Upper / Lower Boreen and again on Easy Street to Boreen with a run or two on Brookside as well. We did that a few times before moving on to the Summit which at the time had considerable cloud cover. The snow at peak of little WF was firm but it loosened up greatly on the lower Mt. It was warm (high hit 50 degrees or so) and there was some considerable snow melt happening but nothing too bad (other than Ladies Bridge which was more bridge than snow). Anyway, it was onto the Summit quad for a scenic ride to up to ski Skyward. The cloud has since lifted and visibility was pretty good. I must say, I've been to the Grand Canyon (twice) and the scenery up there is on par with that (High peaks to the right, Lake Champlain / VT. to the left...wow) I then jumped onto skyward. The snow was soft yet packed down nicely, great for carving. Skyward is steep and long and the legs started to burn by the time I got to Lower Skyward. I stopped Mid Mt. and met up with the people I was with and had lunch at Boule's Bistro before making my way down via Boreen (I believe). From there, I saw numerous people on Lookout below and decided that my legs were ready. I made my way over to the Lookout Triple for a ride to the summit of Lookout Mt at 4000 feet. It was clear and Lake Champlain and Mt. Mansfield were easily visible. I took the Wilmington Trail which is a great, long cruising run to Lookout below. They had a thin cover sign at the entrance of LB which really didn't phase me. I hopped in anyway for FABULOUS spring bumps that were knee to thigh high. Lookout below (for those who haven't skied it) is on a really steep pitch and it's pretty narrow.If I had to guess I would say it's steeper, definitely narrower than Outer Limits, not as long though, but close maybe 900 to 1000 vert. After Lookout Below it was back to the base then back to the summit again. Things softened up a bit more and bumps were forming on Skyward and big time on Lower Cloudspin. I did another run on Skyward, through some trees in between Skyward and Cloudspin, back onto the trail and down to Lower Cloudspin to the base via Upper and Lower Valley for the full 3100k + vert. I timed it and it took me approximately 15 minutes for mostly fall line skiing which was awesome. I finished up with a few runs off of the Gondola and Little WF. This time I took Approach to Upper and Lower Mackenzie for some more nicely pitched runs. Empire was closed unfortunately (as was upper Cloudspin). We left a little after 2 and my legs had had enough. Sunday: We got to the Mt. a little earlier today. We were probably on the snow around 8:30. We started out on the Face Lift. The cloud cover at the summit and little WF was pretty thick. We did a run down Easy Street to Boreen and Brookside. I then boarded the Gondola. Again the peak of little WF was in a think fog and the wind was blowing at a good clip. Approach was closed (At least it was at that time) so I hit Excelsior and cut over to Essex to Lower Northway. The loose granular froze overnight and it all became frozen granular which you could carve but was still kinda sketchy. It got softer as you continued on down though. I did that 3 times and saw people boarding the Summit quad, so I did the same. The fog grew thicker the higher you went up. At the summit there was maybe 15 feet of visibility. I (along with many others) stood atop Skyward debating whether to ski it or take Rive Ridge etc..down. I worked up the nerve and dropped into Skyward very cautiously ended up enjoying every second of it..more frozen gran here plus the fog added an extra element.. I stopped mid Mt. by Boule's and boarded the Little WF lift but got off at Mt. Run and skied Mt. Run / River Run to Lower Valley to the base. My legs were shot and we went back to LP for Lunch. On our way back to PA from LP we stopped at the Mt. again and I booted up for a few more. I took face lift straight to the Summit for another run down skyward, to crossover loop, to lower skyward straight to the Lookout Mt. triple. Then back up to the Wilmington trail which was very hard and icy up top but softened as you made your way down the ridge. I stopped mid-way and skied Lookout Below on legs that didn't have much left. I survived another awesome spring bump run on LB. Then it was over to Boreen to the base and I was done. I finally knocked this place off my list of places to ski. My overall impressions are: 1) It's bigger than I had thought. 2) Lookout Below destined to be one of the great trails in the East. 3) The whole experience of skiing from the summit (the views and the classic Upper Skyward) is worth the price of admission. 4) The slides look sick from the summit quad. WF rocks. I'll be back....many, many times!! Foggy up top in the Morning. Lookout Below from Easy Street (I believe) Mts. in the Distance from Lower Valley The Summit from Mid-Mt. somewhere Looking Down Upper Skyward from the Summit Looking down the steep Lookout Below From Lookout Mt. Another looking down Lookout Below The slides from the quad WF peak from little WF Mirror Lake (?) and the High Peaks From near the base area
  9. I'll post a few pics and a full tr probably tommorrow but today was an epic spring day at the face. The place is awesome.
  10. True, but compared to what we're used to price wise. It's getting better. An all Pocono pass would be fabulous.
  11. ditto...Just mentioning the positives is all.
  12. Boulder was nice tonight. There was plenty of packed powder / cord on the sides of the trails. Easily carvable with no ice. Temps were in the teens. There was some people but it was pretty quiet.
  13. Oops. The subject should read good times FOR our sport. I need to type slower.
  14. I just realized that a whole lot of good stuff is happening for skiing / riding here in Pennsylvania. Our Mountains are staying open in to April. They're opening in November. They're making snow later. There's all kinds of great season pass deals to be had. CB is giving freebies again to other Mt. pass holders. Jack Frost is giving us back the Elevator. Snow conditions have been really good. Blue Mt. opened a new trail. Numbers are probably up everywhere. I'm sure I'm missing a few things but definitely not bad I would say.
  15. I always figured that the crowds are likely to be larger at CB or Blue over either JF or BB on a weekend because those crowds (at JF and BB) are being divided up between 2 separate hills...if that means anything. Combined, who knows it may be the same. Good to hear the ski business in our area is thriving. That's good for everybody.
  16. Boulder will likely be last to close....probably not JF though unfortunately.
  17. The Elevator is the steep slope in between River Shot and Floyd's. I'm not into hucking things but Risk it is the only trail that I can remember having to "work up my nerve" to ski in PA in a long time.
  18. Cool...I'll be there to take advantage of this again this season. BTW I hope Elk does this too.
  19. I thought this deserves it's own thread. I can't wait for next season! Special thanks to Phillycore for starting the Petition thread.
  20. I would say it's been off the map 3 or 4 season's now.
  21. Just back from a quick morning session at Frost. I got on the snow around 9:30. It wasn't busy at all for a weekend which was nice. I made my first run down T-Bolt. T-bolt came complete with lots of ice patches with sugar mixed in. It was best to stay on the sides of the trails there. I then headed over to East and met up with Smartass at the top of the East Mt. lift. We made a number of trips down Floyd's as well as River Shot. The snow on East was much better than the rest of the Mt. It was sugary, sans the ice which made for nice conditions all things considered after a rain freeze / thaw event. We decided to hit Challenge to see what that was like. I hopped into the trees and hopped right out since it was a solid sheet of ice. The trail was like Thunderbolt...sugar and ice. So we headed back to East for better conditions. Floyds was actually really nice today. Smartass and I then stopped to view the Elevator and noticed that we may have actually taken some of those sticker bushes out last week when spilling down it. That wasn't something I was about to try today though. Overall, another nice day at Frost. Conditions are still good. There are no bare spots and there's still a solid base mostly everywhere.
  22. lol...I was stuck in that last year. That was the first time and the last.
  23. What is going on at Blue? The Patrollers love you guys this year.
  24. I'm out There's no way I can be there at 8am tomorrow morning so I'll probably miss you all. I can't be on the snow until later in the day. Right now I'll be there there Sunday Morning for possibly some fresh snow in the AM. Let me know if you'll be there Sun.
  25. Right now I'm at 75% yes for tomorrow morning. Sunday morning is definite for me.
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