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matty mil

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About matty mil

  • Birthday 08/03/1986

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    T1, Union bindings
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  • Home Mountain

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  • Interests
    Snowboarding, cycling, Running, triathlon, golf

matty mil's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. pm'ed ya
  2. nice, I'm excited!!! In the video, did I hear him say they are working on a new lodge???
  3. haha...when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Nice meeting you though Toast. Today was a really fun day of riding. I like the set-up a lot in Sidewinder including that wedge jump. I had no idea what it was until I hit it but it turned out to be pretty cool. The jump line is super nice too. That last jump is pretty damn big.
  4. We lucked out and ended up getting over a foot of snow throughout the week! Some pics with phone.... The view overlooking Jughandle--Love this pic The same spot but during the snowstorm the day before. From k1 lodge It snowed about 12" this day. What an amazing day of riding!
  5. Same. T1 with Union Binders..Can't go wrong no matter what you are riding.
  6. nice TR... I was there from the 4th-9th and it was an awesome week. Thursday and Friday were such good days. There was so much powder on Thursday. I wiped out on Jughandle in snow so deep it took me about 5 minutes to dig myself out. haha. Awesome time though.
  7. I've seen Burton, Salomon, and numerous other decent brands there as well.... not a bad idea if someone is on a budget.
  8. Just a heads up....The February issue of Transworld has a coupon for a 3 day lift ticket at Stowe for $99! It
  9. Is anyone else going on the east coast college trip to Killington on Jan. 4th?
  10. matty mil

    Nitro Boards?

    I got a Nitro T1 from Ebay, brand spankin new, for $125 about a month ago. Rode it on Mon for the first time at blue and loved it. Tons of pop for ollies and jumps and very stable when just riding the mountain. I think I might be buying Nitro boards for a while even if the top sheet chips easily. You can find these boards for cheap all over the internet.
  11. Just got back from blue. I thought the conditions were good on the trails that were open. No bare spots at all. BTW, tix are still half price. Felt good to get some snow under my feet.
  12. So are the conditions that bad that it wouldn't be worth it to go tomorrow and pay full price?
  13. Does anyone have any experience with technine bindings? If so, how are they in regards to quality, responsiveness, comfort, etc.
  14. NM I re-read your post lol
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