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About Rage710

  • Birthday 07/10/1987

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  • Location
    Hazleton, Pa

Rage710's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. It seems unliky that CB is gonna open a new trail. But it would be amazing if they would. joeskier, I was gonna post that...lol i found my house in fla on there
  2. Yeah I went to Big Boulder on the 23rd. It was so cold! There is a thermomter at the top of one of the ski lifts. It siad somethin around -10 It was very windy too. The trails were nice since it was a Monday and wasnt crowded. Powder everwhere.
  3. Shit like that gets ur yard in the paper
  4. Yeah ive been a busy boy on ebay. RacerChick is helping me look too
  5. I was up at CB on the 26th and it was there. It looked like someone started a new one about 5 trees farther up.
  6. Gramar Checker
  7. Here is what the Salomon product finder said: Scrambler 77 + S711 - ski Verse 7.0 - boot Essential tf - helmit Deiniition - pole -- Scrambler 7 pilot + s711 Perfroma 8.0 - boot Essential tf - helmit Allium - pole
  8. Did he cut out stuff for his windows and doors? Like, did he still use it after duct taping it? BTW: Your location, the valley...Conyngham? or Whyoming?
  9. Thats awsome man. You should set that up durring a cold night in June
  10. Duct tape the whole thing.
  11. The Salomon's look nice. How are they on price?
  12. Yeah I want regular skis. I thought he meant my other alternative would be racing skis.
  13. 17 2 years (originally from florida) Not too much, but Im starting to to more and more Camelback (I like JFBB too) Cruise Okay, I'll look around and wait till end of season.
  14. I have always rented my skis when I go...but im tired of all the kiddies runnin around in there driving me nuts. What kind of skis do you reccomend me getting? Where do you think I should buy it from? I ski blues and starting to black diamonds. Edit: Wow, I mispelled skis
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